RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Reminder – First Annual ADS Inc UAS + Counter UAS Industry Day Is Next Week

ADS Inc is presenting their First Annual UAS + Counter UAS Industry Day on November 7th & 8th at the Military Aviation Museum in Va Beach.


This is a very interesting topic for me. New capabilities roll out regularly for Unmanned Aerial Systems. But maybe even more important, drones have become the number one asymmetric threat due to their wide proliferation. Their payloads increase while their cost goes down making them a solution of choice for adversaries seeking low-cost ISR and precision weapons. Developing an adaptable strategy to counter them is critical.

During the two-day event, vendors will present eight, one-hour sessions to educate attendees on their technologies.

This event is not open to the public.

Hope to see you there. To sign up and to review the daily schedule, visit adsinc.com/event/drone-day-2017.

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