TYR Tactical

Mega Lumens Monday with the NEW Every Day Carry Light 2!

Fountain Valley, CA–SureFire, LLC, manufacturer of the world’s finest–and most innovative–illumination tools and tactical products, is proud to announce The Everyday Carry Light 2, an upgraded version of our popular EB2 Backup®. It’s all about bold, in-your-face performance, with its high-output LED delivering 1,200 lumens of blinding white light on high and a useful 5 lumens on low. The light features a tactical tailcap activated by pushing lightly for low and harder for high, while constant-on is achieved by twisting the tailcap tighter on to the light body. A Total Internal Reflection (TIR) lens shapes the virtually indestructible LED’s light into a versatile beam with plenty of throw but optimized for situational awareness, essential in an everyday carry light.

Learn more at www.surefire.com/edcl2.


22 Responses to “Mega Lumens Monday with the NEW Every Day Carry Light 2!”

  1. Really happy to see the two-stage tailcap return. The push light for low, press hard for high setup is really the most intuitive UX design for a flashlight.

    Surefire, if you are reading this, I’d love to see this tailcap incorporated into a P2X Furry weapon light. Press lightly for 65 lumens / 10hr runtime, press hard for 600 lumens / 1hr runtime.

  2. EzGoingKev says:

    5 or 1200 lumens. Seems like a reasonable jump to me.

  3. Mark says:

    Really, Surefire?

    Twist for constant-on”tactical tailcap”, again?

    Give me a break.

    Why is it that every time you release a new light, your customer base has to beg and plead for click for constant-on tailcap switches?

    Remember when the Fury lights were released, and Pat Rogers had to step up to get the ball rolling on the click tailcaps?

    1200 lumens sounds impressive, but what good is that high output, if I cannot positively activate the light with only one hand, or while supporting a hanggun/longgun, or with my mouth, or with no hands, etc.

    • jellydonut says:

      There are tons of constant-on switch lights available from Surefire, as well as peer competitors like Malkoff and Elzetta.

      The two-stage momentary switch is a fantastic flashlight UI, and if you haven’t tried one, don’t knock it.

      As well, there is a very good reason for using a momentary-only switch for a tactical light.

      If you don’t want it, don’t buy it, buy one of the many latching switch lights. There’s plenty of us that have been waiting for Surefire to return to the two-stage switch.

    • Adun says:

      It is interesting that you say this, because most of the people I see discussing tail caps want more without the click for constant on since current light techniques with a weapon don’t have you utilizing the light in a constant on capacity.

      This sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me, although I am not sure if you can set it for constant on at the lower setting based off of the description.

    • PPGMD says:

      This is actually the tail cap I like the best. I’ve been avoiding upgrading my EB1 because the upgraded version doesn’t offer the tactical tail cap.

      • Tim says:

        Same boat as PPGMD here. I was really disappointed when they discontinued the EB1s and EB2s with the “tactical” gas pedal switching, so I’m very glad they’re coming back with more lumens.

  4. Andrew says:

    That link doesn’t work (for me, at least)

  5. Mark says:

    My main gripe is with the fact that Surefire keeps touting and marketing twist-on lights as “tactical”.

    There are just as many reasons for NOT using momentary only on a fighting light. Clickie switches still offer momentary, with light pressure, but positive “on” is just a hard push away.

    I could care less about five lumens on at “tactical” light (I have other low level admin light sources for tasks that require it).

    I won’t buy one of these.

    Well, at least not for a few years.

    Surefire will eventually offer the click tailcap version, versus me spending an extra sixty dollars for features that should have been available, out of the box.

    I had to do this with numerous Fury lights, when the first cam out, until Pat pulled some strings, and had the clickie switch versions available from BCM.

    • Rick says:

      Why are you posting the same gripe twice? You do realize that SF’s lineup is predominantly click caps right now right? I hope you understand that there are people on the otherside of that fence who have wanted the gas pedal switched to return.

  6. AGL Bob says:

    There will be a Max Vision with a clicky version in the near future.

  7. Willis Bee says:

    All my Streamlights do everything on all these wish lists. Surefire is all hype and mark ups

  8. Cityus says:

    Honestly until you’ve tried one, don’t knock it! Need lots of lumens? Jam on it.
    Best feature is having it on constant low and having the ability to jump to full power momentarily. Ideal for sweeps etc.

  9. Vic Toree says:

    Such bitterness… like this is the only light Surefire is ever going to come out with or something?

    From online leaks / rumors we know of at least 3 other new models coming (XH35, EDCL1T, Tactician MV), and can bet dollars to donuts that the M600-DF 18650 powered 1500 lumen output head will end up on a handheld in short order too.

    If this ain’t your light just wait, there’s very likely more coming. If you like this light with a different tailcap swap the tailcap and carry on (….”but I shouldn’t have to”… well that’s life, if you want a tailored solution you need to tailor it, I’ll buy this one as is and I’m not alone there).

    • Adun says:

      What I want to know, is how exactly does this compare to the Tactician MV, because although the switch is slightly different, these seem like very similar lights. The Tactician MV is supposed to only have a 700l output though, which is why I don’t know why someone would want one over the other if the features are so similar.

      • Vic Toree says:

        If I understand the nomenclature right – the Tactician MV uses the MaxVision beam whereas this has the old TIR reflector. You’ll have a different light output between the two (TIR being what we’re used to from Surefire, MV being a wider pattern). That alone may make different users lean toward one or the other depending on their needs.

        I had also read something about the Tactitican’s head position selecting the high or low power a while back, not sure if that’s going into production or not but that’s also a differentiating feature if so, rather than clicking through high to low, or vice versa. Speaking of, I’m not sure if I’ve seen it mentioned if this will be High Power first, like the EB1/2 or Low then High.

        Candlepower Forums had a long thread on the Tactician, to me it sounded kind of like the Vampire series of lights – twist the head one way for low, the other for high, and then when you hit the on button it’s where you want it.

        I haven’t seen an MV beam in person to compare against a TIR but I’ve always been pretty happy with my TIR lights. Also it does seem odd that the Tactician MV would have 700 lumens where the G2X-MV and G2Z-MV they’ve already put out have 800, I wonder if that 700 number tossed around will be the case in final production mode?

        • Adun says:

          I thought I read that it would be low power and then high power, because I don’t know why it would make sense for it to be the other way around. For the Tactician, I believe the head selects the power and the base locks it to always on. You are right about the different head types, I had forgotten about that.

          Either way, I still don’t see why both lights can’t be of the same power since the reflector really doesn’t play into that to my knowledge. Both lights are appealing to me, but I definitely subscribe to the “all of the lumens” mentality, which might make me chose one over the other.

          I actually have a dive light with an extremely wide and uniform beam which I have used for a while now. Obviously using a light underwater is different than on land, but I found that the light was good at lighting up confined spaces, but pretty poor at dealing with a large open area or trying to point out specific things with the light. I wonder if that will be an issue with the Tactician since you often see everything wash out but the hotspot with most lights in transitionary environments.

  10. Vic Toree says:

    I forgot halfway through that small novel what light we were talking about – the click order of the EDCL2T not being a thing because of the twisty cap…

    I need more coffee.