
The King’s Field Jacket

This is SGT Elvis A. Presley’s M-1951 field jacket on display at Graceland. Yes, that Elvis.

Elvis served as a scout in A Company, 1st Battalion, 32nd Armor Regiment, 3rd Armor Division “Spearhead” at Ray Barracks, Freidberg, Germany from 1958 to 1960.

Elvis M1951 Field Jacket

Photo by Thomas R Machnitzki

Edited to correct spelling of Friedberg; Western civilization is now secure.


9 Responses to “The King’s Field Jacket”

  1. AbnMedOps says:

    The target making shop at Graf has Elvis’s autograph up near the ceiling, which the host-nation employees proudly preserved. Sadly, I didn’t get to see it – we had already driven off to the ranges when one of my troops mentioned it!

  2. Meyer says:

    The town ist called “Friedberg”:,_Hesse

  3. Iron Sides says:

    Not to be a hater, but a point of pride for those of us who served in 3AD,
    the correct spelling is Friedberg. After all. 3AD is what kept Western Civilization from the Soviet hordes.

  4. Stefan S. says:

    Don’t show this to the Politicians with Stars. They’ll want to recreate this too!