RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Raine Kickstarter Contest

We are 61% funded on the Kickstarter in the first week! It’s time to vote for the best name for the MOLLE Cover.

You can support and back the project at our Kickstarter campaign page: Raine MOLLE Cover for Tubes on Kickstarter.

The highest voted name will receive a free MOLLE Cover and if you back the Kickstarter we will refund your reward purchase.

1 Back the kickstarter and if your product name is selected, we will refund your purchase and ship you a free one.
2 No names with the word Tube or Tubes™ (We will respect the trademark of FirstSpear®)
3 We have a planned cummerbund that has the MOLLE Cover integrated into it and a split front chest rig. The name should work with those as well.
For examples, MOLLE Bridge Cummerbund and MtG Split Front Chest Rig.
4 We have a planned versions that will work with other buckles, quick release systems, and hardware that solve the same problem. The cover will eliminate the gap created by these buckles and give you back the prime MOLLE real-estate that was lost.
5 Must be a minimum of 18 years old to be eligible for a Free MOLLE Cover.
6 Winner will receive one MOLLE Cover and can choose Multicam, Coyote or Black for color.
7 You can make multiple suggestions in the comment section (we will count all positive comments posted below your suggested name towards the vote).
8 The Winner’s reward will be shipped with the same schedule as the first Early Bird’s on the Kickstarter.
9 Contest ends at Midnight tonight Monday 01/15/18.

Come see samples at SHOT Show, we have two booth locations.

• Shot Show Main Floor, Booth # 20132 (Tues – Fri)
• Shot Show Supplier Show Case, Booth # S1440 (Mon – Tues)

Raine, Inc. is currently looking for dealers, distributors, companies that would like to have us integrate Raine designs into their product lines, and contract sewing customers.

Email us at shotshow@raineinc.com to schedule a meeting at Shot Show.
Email us at kickstarter@raineinc.com if you have any questions on the Kickstarter or want to put in a unit/team/group order (all volume orders on Kickstarter will receive early bird pricing).

FirstSpear®, Tubes™, 6/12™ and 6/9™ are trademarks of FirstSpear, LLC. Products shown with these trademarks are built with FirstSpear Technology™.


20 Responses to “Raine Kickstarter Contest”

  1. Hank says:


  2. Kevin says:

    I posted “Mind the Gap” first 🙂

  3. whokka says:

    the Raine Realtor
    ( gives you more real estate!!)

  4. svvitch says:

    The Khoros

    (space in greek, since this gives you more space on your cummerbund)

  5. Guinness1911 says:

    How about FS-KOV.
    “First Spear Knock Off Vest”

    • Dellis says:


    • JB says:

      ??? The vest in the picture is made by First Spear and Raine is making a separate pouch holding product that attaches to the FS cummerbund.

      How about PH for Pouch Holder?

  6. Dellis says:

    Dang, I had such high hopes for Tubey McTubeface!

    So a more serious entry…

    Raine Integrated Keeper (R.I.K.)

    Raine Integrated Guard (R.I.G.)

  7. Miguel Sanchez says:

    Come on now… TUBE-SOC

    It sings man, it sings!

    • Agreed! However it’s too close to stepping on the FS trademark and we want to respect their TM. Keep in mind, we have different versions of these products in development that will work with different types of quick release buckles and not limited to only Tubes™.

  8. Hank is the Winner! We will email you with details. Thank you to everyone that participated.

    Please continue to show your support by backing the Bridger on Kickstarter. You can help further by spreading the word to friends and coworkers that use a Tubes vest or plate carrier that could benefit from the Bridger.


    • Hank says:

      Thank you very much!!!! I love the idea of your product and can’t wait to put it on my Strandhögg!!!