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SHOT Show Industry Day At The Range – Archon Firearms Type B


Archon Firearms is Arsenal Firearms USA re-branded, following potential trademark issues, with their Stryk B similarly renamed to the Type B.


The Type B is a polymer-framed, striker-fired handgun that differentiates itself from other, contemporary striker-fired handguns with its relatively unique AF Speedlock locking system, and low bore axis. Although range time was limited, the gun was a blast to shoot, incredibly easy to keep on target, with minimal muzzle flip. The flat faced trigger is noted to have a short reset, which is entirely accurate. To elaborate, there was no notable reset, no tactile sensation to denote the pistol was ready to fire, just a very brief period of travel and it was good to shoot again.

Additional features include compatibility with Glock sights, front and rear charging serrations, an integrated beaver tail, a Picatinny railed dust cover, and “grip mapping frame texturing”, which is squarish texturing on the grip.

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One Response to “SHOT Show Industry Day At The Range – Archon Firearms Type B”

  1. joe says:

    The Stryk series has been vaporware in the US for around 5 years now, I don’t expect it to show up now that they’ve changed their name.

    If you want a low axis gun you can actually buy, go get a Steyr.