
No, The Marines Haven’t Issued A Contract For Additional M27s

I keep getting asked if the USMC has let a contract for additional M27 Infantry Automatic Rifles. Apparently, a few weeks ago a gun blog called Guns America reported that the Marine Corps had awarded Heckler & Koch a contract for additional M27s. The problem is, it’s untrue.

The author’s reasoning was that the “protest period” was over and consequently, a contract had been let. Once again, this isn’t true. For some reason, H&K representative Bill Dermody agreed with the interviewer during a video taken during SHOT Show by Guns America, giving further credence to the story.

Last Summer, Marine Corps Systems Command issued a pre-solicitation intent to solicit and negotiate with Heckler & Koch (H&K), for up to 50,814 M27 Infantry Automatice Rifles (IAR)Since then, they’ve publicly said and done nothing. There hasn’t been a “protest period” because there hasn’t been a contract award issued by the Marines.

Unfortunately, other websites who didn’t know what they were talking about, picked up the story and shared it.

Sure, the Marine Corps is interested in purchasing additional M27s to outfit their Infantry Forces and H&K would love the business, but the reality is that it hasn’t happened. At least, yet. The Commandant of the Marine Corps has publicly stated his desire to do so and I know the Marines are working toward that end, but they’ve still got some things to work out.

I promise you; as soon as I can tell you it has happened, I will.


13 Responses to “No, The Marines Haven’t Issued A Contract For Additional M27s”

  1. Che Guevara's Open Chest Wound says:

    And that’s why SSD is is the only industry webpage worth following.

  2. S.L. App says:

    2017-02-10: M67854-17-I-1218 – RFI for 11,000 rifles.
    2017-08-11: M67854-17-R-1248 – Intent to sole source up to 50,814 rifles.
    Then there’s this article:

    The USMC is a confusing organisation.

  3. Carlo says:

    When has a gun auction website been someone’s source of industry news, especially when it comes to military contracts.

  4. JB says:

    Looks like Fake News is the modern blight on information.

    We can do better. Especially in OUR sector.

  5. Sean says:

    The Corps’ limited money would be better served going to something better than the IAR in general, to be honest.

    • Kit Badger says:

      Like E-tools. Those holes won’t dig themselves…

    • CAP says:

      Maybe they’ll realize that an M4A1 with a decent free float handguard can fill the same role while being cheaper, lighter, and without having a bunch of proprietary parts…

      • Will Rodriguez says:

        An M4A1 would be a more frugal path and get the same performance but I think the M27 will happen. It’s already in the inventory.

        But General Neller’s comment, “I could kit out every grunt in the Marine Corps with the coolest shit head-to-toe for $100 million. And I intend to do that.” Is the go to response next time someone talks about doing “more with less.”

        It’s up there with the “Army hand me down” myth.

    • Joe says:

      Like F-35’s?
      “I could kit out every grunt in the Marine Corps with the coolest shit head-to-toe for $100 million. And I intend to do that.”- General Neller
      And we are doing it! We need small arms that can operate effectively in austere environments after an amphibious assault. The M27 is that weapon system. IT is the weapon system needed for a future fight with a peer.

  6. JK says:

    Let’s replace a bel fed with a mag fed rifle.

    Calm down Marine, go eat your crayons.

    • Will Rodriguez says:

      In their haste they forgot why we ditched the BAR, M14 and M16 in the full auto role.