GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

HK433 Ver 4 in RAL8000

During last week’s Enforce Tac, Heckler & Koch gave us a sneak peek at the latest Version 4 of the HK433 in their RAL8000 color which is a Tan variant.


You’ll notice that the different materials have a slightly different shade. This is because the coloration formulations are different for each material and are absorbed and reflect differently. At least for now, H&K isn’t going to work to match the shades precisely.


As you can see, the HK433 offers both HK416 and G36 style ambidextrous controls. It also has a two position gas port for use with or without a suppressor.


The folding stock is adjustable for comb height along with length of pull, and the weapon will function with the stock folded.


The HK433 is currently competing with a carbine produced by Haenel, one of which will replace the G36 in the German Army.

Based on this competition there are still a couple of changes in store for the HK433’s Version 5. The Charging Hane will be moved a bit more to the rear because the current location can get in the way of accessories like flashlights. Additionally, the charging handle is reversible from left to right by the shooter, but H&K is going to make it just a little more difficult to do to avoid inadvertent removal.


The HK433 will be offered with the new Gen3 Polymer Magazine we showed you last week.


12 Responses to “HK433 Ver 4 in RAL8000”

  1. BB says:

    Ah, the Mini Ugg boot!

  2. Strike-Hold says:

    I thought it looks more like a moon boot. The SCAR looks like an Ugg.

  3. Jim says:

    When I saw this at HK, I asked why don’t they bring this into the US commercial market? With all of the gun laws targeting the AR-15 series, wouldn’t a weapon like this go under the radar (I assume it would take the anti-gun crowd a decade to realize that AR-15 isn’t a term that covers all semi-automatic long guns).

    • Tazman66gt says:

      The anti’s see all pistol grip firearms as AR’s, they don’t care to know the difference.

  4. S.L. App says:

    You write that Haenel is participating as well. Is Haenel the only competitor? Also, did HK not enter the HK416, as well? Thanks!

  5. HoldingII says:

    They just keep making that handguard look worse and worse. The first version was pretty awesome. That whole reverse slash looks horrible.

  6. Jonathan Ferguson says:

    OK I’ve gone back and compared the earlier versions and aside from the version with the AR-style lower, the last iteration appears to be identical to this one;


    So a) what’s the difference? and b) how is this version 4 when we’ve only seen two versions in the public domain?