AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Garand Thumb Checks Out The BPRE Cold Harbor Special Projects Group Carbine

Black Powder, Red Earth” fans rejoice. Internet sensation Garand Thumb checked out the Cold Harbor Special Projects Group Carbine and produced this video. Cold Harbor is the fictional PMC featured in BPRE.

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7 Responses to “Garand Thumb Checks Out The BPRE Cold Harbor Special Projects Group Carbine”

  1. james says:

    Wow, what great insight… not selling the crap out of everything. solid explanations as to why and why not. Keep up the great work

    • Chuck says:

      BPRE is the ultimate THOT Vaccine.

      Thanks for finally posting some Garand Thumb, SSD.

  2. Jimbo says:

    Daddy Garand finally recognized on SSD!

  3. LGonSoldierSystems says:

    His comments section is off the charts weird.

    • rampager89 says:

      HAHA yeah, no thanks to GT himself and its the internet afterall. THOTS BEWARE. Sorry, my bad, bad habit there. ><

    • SamHill says:

      Wow, you are right. Probably a bunch of airsoft kids.

      On an unrelated note, one day I was playing an online video game, military-themed, with a buddy of mine. And I was frustrated at the ridiculous undisciplined comms these guys were using. My buddy said:

      “‘YOU KNOW…its a good thing you got out of the military because you can’t handle GUYS LIKE US!”

      That shit is deeply disconnected from reality and I suspect that it is even worse in airsoft/mil-sim circles than in video games, because they are live action role playing it.