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Crye Precision Closing Out Overstock Army Custom Uniforms

Crye Precision just added their overstocked of AC uniforms in both Combat and Field cuts in Black, Ranger Green and MultiCam in both standard and FR variants at prices never seen before.  That’s right, you can purchase brand new AC uniforms at prices below $100 per piece.  They’ve just dropped the bottom out of the AC collectors market.  

There’s still a wide variety of sizes available but they won’t last long.  Especially, at these prices.


44 Responses to “Crye Precision Closing Out Overstock Army Custom Uniforms”

  1. tcba_joe says:

    And their website dies 10 seconds after the sale was posted.

    Bet the resellers have already bought out everything.

  2. reese says:

    You can always try ebay.

    Hate the Game, Not the Players.

  3. Jim says: won’t even load here.

  4. Oliver Garden says:

    I lucked out and bought 40 pairs

  5. Dave says:

    Took 35 mins but I got mine.. 50% off… why not

    • Mike says:

      Same here. It took about 40 minutes, but I got my 2prs of pants.

      • Oliver Garden says:

        First order of 40 pairs too me about 10 mins…

        then second order i placed…for 8 pairs took about 30 mins…smh

        • Mike says:

          Cool. I’m not a greedy person. Good to know the kind of person you are.

        • tommy says:

          “hay guise I bought 40 pairs lmao :DDDDD”

          How many times are you gonna post this? How sad are you. Bottle of draino beneath your sink with your name on it, bud.

  6. Logan b Rasmussen says:

    I’m in the army and can use these.

  7. TruthTeller says:

    Olive Garden… hopefully those 40 pairs will prevent from talking out your ass in the future.

    • Oliver Garden says:

      LOL…well it’ll definitely pay for a lot of new things…What size you wear? I’ll sell you a pair for 200. Really cheap.

      • Josh V says:

        You’re probably the airsofter guy that buys all the “tactical” gear to use on your weekend skirmishes while there’s military and law enforcement folks that could use it for a way better cause.

        • Oliver Garden says:

          No. No airsoft for me. Just know people like gear. Yes MIL/LE guys could use it, I agree. What I’m hearing that I shouldn’t make money off products I purchase of a close out sale…..

          This is America. Freedom.

          • Stone11C says:

            Well, no shit. In military terms it’s called being the very reason for the phrase “this is why we can’t have nice things.” In civilian terms you’re literally a ticket scalper. Dude, what other hints do you need?!

        • Michael Murakami says:

          as an active army scout and an airsofter I agree, seriously was excited to grab a couple decent quality shirts that would be in regs (waaay better than massif and sadly my lbx isnt regs) wtf Oliver you ruined it for guys like Josh and I

      • JM Gavin says:

        Olive Garden-
        Can you post a couple more times that you bought 40 pairs and are going to flip them, please. Don’t forget to gloat.

  8. John says:

    Their site just crashed.

  9. sean says:

    Site is back online, just running very slowly.

  10. RockyMountain9 says:

    Wow… You’d wish a company like this would invest in enough web servers to handle a spike in webpage visits.

    Also, sounds like they should have put a cap on quantity that each household can order. There’s a special place in hell reserved for the d*****bags that use a spike in demand to gouge others. Like the retired Fudds lining up at Walmart a couple of years ago to poach all the .22 LR shipments at 7 AM on a weekday, and then fliping them for 70 bucks a brick at a gun show. Same thing with “Cheaper than Dirt” charging $80 for standard capacity aluminum magazines during the Obama AWB scare.

    Now I’ll sit back, grab my popcorn, and wait for the “but muh sUpPlY and dEmAnD” comments.

    • Geoff says:

      This is what happens when you usually operate on Net30 etc and decide to have a fire sale on the retail market.

      • RockyMountain9 says:

        I finally made it into the Crye website. Poked around and managed to resist the urge to buy something. For my “tactical” purposes (an occasional carbine course paired with some hunting and hiking), a $35 pair of pants from a decent brand will do just as good a job as the fancy Crye pants that are still $116, even on a fire sale.

        That said, the quality of the Crye gear looks phenomenal. I’m really glad they’re playing such a prominent role in outfitting our armed forces.

  11. Alex says:

    Finally managed to order my sizes after trying a few time today! Finally able to retire my well used FR CS4 and CP4’s.

  12. Texas Guy says:

    well, i got my order in yesterday, received a confirmation and everything, but today i got this:

    > Thank you for your order. If you are receiving this email,
    > your order XXXXXX has been modified or cancelled due to
    > sold out inventory

    Oh well.

  13. Xelaonerom says:

    All I need from Crye is the release date and upload of their G4 line.