SureFire XC3

Triple Aught Design – Nexus Belt

Earlier today, Triple Aught Design launched their Nexus Belt, which has been under development for three years. It is a Foundry project which is their forge for special fabrications, unique colorways, and product experiments.


Designed to worn under a pack harness, duty belt or harness, this 1.5& wide belt is made from Nylon webbing, Biothane and Steel hardware.

Available in Black or Coyote, sizes 28-44.


3 Responses to “Triple Aught Design – Nexus Belt”

  1. MARK says:

    Looks exactly like the S4 belt I’ve been wearing for over a year.

    • mike says:

      If you mean it also uses a G hook then I guess, but it’s actually very different. If you want to get technical the belt made by S4 is like the Atlas Belt from Volund Gearworks, which was the first company I know to use a G Hook on a belt. Definitely long before S4.

  2. Stickman says:

    Well thought out belt from what I can tell.

    I had the guys at Tactical Tailor make me a low profile belt for a project a few years ago.