RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Hornady stands up to State of New York

Today, the State of New York did one of the most despicable acts ever perpetrated by any state by asking New York banks, financial institutions and insurance companies to stop doing business with the gun and ammo industry.

While it may not make a difference to New York, Hornady will not knowingly allow our ammunition to be sold to the State of NY or any NY agencies. Their actions are a blatant and disgusting abuse of office and we won’t be associated with a government that acts like that. They should be ashamed.

-Steve Hornady, president of Hornady Manufacturing Company


30 Responses to “Hornady stands up to State of New York”

  1. WagenCAV says:

    The only legitimate way to push back IMO. It’s sad that many of these businesses have to resort to threatening to cease their arrangements with LEO agencies and other government offices. But these are the times in which we live.

    • xdarrows says:

      It would be great if the entire industry would do so …

      If LE from local to federal and the DOD were cut off from weapons and ammunition, well that would finally leave a mark.

  2. tsh77769 says:

    AMEN! both to the previous comment and to the response from Hornady.

  3. Geoff says:

    Seems to me that Hornady just played into the oppositions hands. Took themselves out of the game.

    • Stone11C says:

      And in a perfect world if EVERY MANUFACTURER did the same then certain officials might just get the point. Especially when EVERY OFFICER raised holy hell EN MASSE that city/state political ideology was leaving them without ammunition. But this isn’t a perfect world…

    • RffromNOVA says:

      How do you figure? They just struck back not sure how many components or finished products they sold to the state of NY but whoever WAS buying them now has to go get new products. Excatly what else should they have done to “stay in the game”.
      Bravo. Now the real test for this will be the response from the buying public. I for one will purchase a box of Hornsby ammo on my way home today. It would be nice if we could get a list of manufactures currently selling to NY agencies and begin to really lay this out for the state. While the NYPD is a sizeable army. It doesn’t come close to buying power of the sportsmen across this country.

      • Geoff says:

        I see it this way:

        NY wants to make firearms and related components as hard to get as possible. So they start this scheme.

        In response, Hornady says “oh yeah? we we’re not doing business there anymore.”

        NY gets a major player in the gun industry to roll out with any legislation, litigation or anything. A few public statements and a high roller leaves. This is exactly what the NY gov’t wants.

        • Geoff says:

          And I wish there was a delete button. Misread it slightly. I’lll just go away now.

  4. Jeb says:

    Great ammunition and components – great morals and values.

  5. Redband_D says:

    What it seems like is government interfering with free trade. The ENTIRE firearm industry should start a class action lawsuit. File it on the Federal level. When it cost the state money, they will quit the harassing of private business.

    • Stone11C says:

      Exactly. If rioting snowflakes can organize…so should an ENTIRE INDUSTRY with actual power to change things.

    • SShink says:

      Yes, what he said…fascism/socialism is a bitch and you can only fight it with capitalism (cut their incoming money stream).
      The actions these rogue liberal state governments are taking are nothing short of a Constitutional crisis.
      These fools most probably think that the manufacture of ammunition should not be in the hands of private companies, but that government should control/own the means of manufacture…for that matter, most of them probably think the government already does.

  6. J says:

    Here is what is going on in Chicago, IL. Rahm Emanuel is trying to do the same unconstitutional thing. It is happening in all the Democratic control areas across the U.S.


  7. Hubb says:

    Thank you Hornady. Now the rest of the ammo industry needs to follow their lead.

  8. Jon Demler says:

    Wow. I was born & raised in Niagara Falls and after I enlisted, spent another 7 years at Drum. My feeling is that NYS is a great place that is full of people who enjoy hunting, shooting and understand their right to bear arms. The control exerted on the state by a minority of powerful, openly-hateful-of-your-rights people is sickening.

    I moved my family to New Hampshire 4 years ago and would never go back.

  9. Alpha2 says:

    Glad to see Hornady take action, if only others would follow suit now. Same thing regarding anything firearms related have been going on here in California for the past 20 years, local and state governments continue to erode the 2nd amendment. Ammo registration, neutering of semi auto rifles, roster etc etc etc, on now with Gavin Newscum poised for the Governor’s office the onslaught will only continue…cannot wait til I retire from the Gov’t and move to AZ, counting the days.

  10. SN says:

    The industry as a whole needs to step up and do this.

  11. Marcus says:

    As a resident of NY State, I say it’s about. Damn. Time.

    Thank you Hornady for taking a stand. We’ve had enough of the tyranny of a majority.

  12. AbnMedOps says:

    Best response might be a consumer and industry-wide boycott of any and all firearms, ammo, and accessory makers, wholesalers, jobbers, etc, who continue to do business with NY State and local agencies. Suck it up and cancel existing contracts. Stop this crap right now.

    Rat out the opportunistic blockade-running vendors who will sneak in the guns, ammo, holsters, uniforms, pepper spray, training courses, earplugs, range supplies, warranty service, and every other commodity to fill NY gov’t orders. Block them by name, for life, and starve their businesses.

  13. DSM says:

    Good job Hornady. You’re local so you already get my support but I’ll be picking up an extra box or two this week.

    Next step I’d take would be like Magpul. Ship a whole pallet of 5.56 and pass it out for free to all the unwashed, law abiding masses in front of the state Capitol building.

  14. MTW says:

    The way this reads, it sounds like Hornady will not be selling to LE/GOV Agencies in the NY State? I would assume there are more than a few Police Departments that have ammo contracts with Hornady. If this is the case that might be cause enough for some local PD’s to send complaints up through command.

  15. Stefan S. says:

    Born and lived in Upstate NY (Rome) till I enlisted. After 24 years. Would never go back. Taxes, liberals, lack of jobs, and anyone named Cuomo ruined that. Told my old man, when you leave me your property, I’m selling it. Still at heart a New Yorker, just won’t live there ever. Sad how the mighty have fallen.

  16. SamHill says:

    Ronald Reagan: ‘If Fascism Ever Comes to America, It Will Come in the Name of Liberalism’ (1975 interview with 60 minutes)

    I am reminded that these rabid leftists want only the government to hold all the guns. The same government that is is headed up by the man they claim is “LITERALLY HITLER!”

  17. Strike-Hold says:

    The Gunphobes are trying to pull the same kind of sneaky shit here in Massachusetts too.

  18. Erick says:

    YHears back, Barrett Mfg started down this road. Iirc, no one joined in back then. Maybe it will happen now.

    One side bar, I hear people complain about the funding of pensions. The same or very similar people are also insisting that gov’t pension funds divest themselves of stocks like these.

  19. Northeast_Major_City says:

    I’d move to Utah in a N.Y.C. second if only there weren’t so many religious fanatics and conservatives there. LoL!

    • SamHill says:

      It’s so hip and trendy to criticize conservatives. That will die out eventually.
      The weak left, and I say weak meaning physically, mentally, emotionally as well as in work force generating power, can only bite the hand that feeds for so long.

      This generation of metro sexual sissies, craving safe spaces while propping up the welfare culture won’t be in power for ever. Enjoy being snide while it still has its last little bit of feeling.

      By the way, LoL! is what timid people write after they type something that they are unsure of how the reception will be, so they can play it off if their comment is too harshly criticized. Being passive aggressive, in other words. Passive aggressive is a sure tell sign of a weak individual.

    • RT from UT says:

      That’s ok you’d hate it here with the 2 indoor shooting ranges I have less than 5 blocks from my apartment, people utterly unswayed by your unhinged liberal insanity and histrionic cries about the children we’re condemning to death with our freedoms, and our low crime rates/streets that are perfectly safe to walk at night because even that jogger lady just might be packing heat!

      Yup, it’s hell on earth here…

      P.s. we also let teachers and college students carry guns here and imagine that… We have NO VIOLENCE on our educational campuses!

      Definitely hell on earth, stay far away… For the children…