RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

NRAAM 18 – Brownells / LMT M203 37mm LAUNCHER


Brownells had a new LMT manufactured M203 37mm flare launcher mounted to one of their Retro ARs, and they revealed it’s now up for sale on Brownells website as a stand-alone item, and it’s exclusive to Brownells. The M203 37mm launcher is constructed of aluminum with a MilSpec anodized finish, and mounts and operates just like the 40mm version. The 37mm M203 attaches to standard Government rifle & carbine length barrel assemblies with a .625” front barrel profile, and a GI compatible barrel nut system.


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10 Responses to “NRAAM 18 – Brownells / LMT M203 37mm LAUNCHER”

  1. P.J. says:

    Cool. Not $1599 cool though. For comparison LMT sells the 40mm destructive device version for $1549.

    • Cwg says:

      Almost like its the exact same device with a slightly higher retail cost to recuperate the additional cost of a non standard bbl size….

      • P.J. says:

        Which is probably why LMT hadn’t already made a 37mm. It’s an incredibly niche item. A few people already made 37mm barrels for title 1 LMT receivers. Assuming the receiver is the same I guess the upside is you already have the 37mm to play with if you plan to form 1 the receiver.

    • Howard says:

      I paid $1300 for my LMT 40mm M203.

  2. Rb says:

    Will LMT sell just the barrels? Are they proprietary?

  3. Stickman says:

    Will the barrel swap out with the 40mm if someone does the paperwork?

    • We had a brief talk with a rep at LMT’s booth, and this topic came up. Basically, LMT deliberately designed the internals of this launcher in such a way that exchanging the installed 37mm barrel for a 40mm barrel would be excessively difficult.

      In short, this isn’t designed to be readily converted, even with the proper paperwork.

      • Stickman says:

        Always awesome to hear from you! I can’t figure why they would go that route when Colt just went the opposite direction. Then again, as much as I love Colt, they shot themselves in the foot with the excessive pricetag and their 37mm launchers seem to be sitting on the shelves of the company that bought them.

        • The primary reason it was done was to assuage any concerns that the launcher could readily be converted into a Destructive Device after purchase. Whether that was a request of Brownells’, or a decision of LMT’s wasn’t discussed.

  4. SN says:

    $1600.00, no thanks.