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Air Force Specialty Code 14F – Information Operations Officer

In mid-May Chief Of Staff of the Air Force, Gen Dave Goldfein awarded four officers the new Information Operations occupational badge. Although it’s hard to see in this photo, it features a Trojan Horse, long associated with deception in war. In fact, the practitioners of this field, also have a new Air Force Specifically Code, 14F to go along with the badge. In the past, these functions were performed generally by Intelligence Officers (AFSC 14N), unrated Staff Officers (16G), and Behavioral Scientists (61B) based on ad-hoc training for duty positions.

This is an officer AFSC which uses information-related capabilities to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp the decision making of selected audiences to create desired effects.

Currently, part of their qualification includes attending Military Information Support Operations aka PSYOPS training with the Army at Ft Bragg, as well as Courses in Tactical Deception and Operations Security.

However, the Air Force is standing up a new schoolhouse at Hurlburt Field, Florida, which is coincidentally the headquarters of the Air Force Special Operations Command. A new 15-week course will come online in 2019 and focus specifically on the Air Force application of IO.

The careerfield itself remains small, but there are multiple IO Squadrons within the Air Force which conduct a wide variety of intelligence functions. This is sure to lead to confusion about the specialized focus of the 14F AFSC.

Photos via CSAF twitter feed.

10 Responses to “Air Force Specialty Code 14F – Information Operations Officer”

  1. CK says:

    Just in time… leaflet drops for the Space Force.

  2. AbnMedOps says:

    Congrats to these young officers, leading the way into a new career field. It’s a long war, and everyone’s contribution is important!

    • IO is pure garbage says:

      IO is still a complete failure across the DOD. Good luck on trying to salvage your careers as this new specialty code will not good for it. Run far from this. Run fast. You’ve been warned.

  3. anony says:

    how is this different than just using army Psyop?

    • SSD says:

      First off, it’s Air Force. Additionally, the scope is a bit broader if you understand the lingo.

      • Drew says:

        So, you think Army PSYOP doesn’t operate at the Strategic and Operational levels just the tactical level….maybe you don’t understand

        • SSD says:

          I don’t think you understand what these guys are doing. He asked how this was different than Army. It’s different because they aren’t just doing PSYOPS and they’re doing it via the capabilities the Air Force brings to the table.

  4. Mike L. says:

    Any ANG or USAFR billets, or all AD?

  5. Stickman says:

    All officer career field for IO….. I’m sure lots will get done.

    Even the ICBM key turners are probably laughing about this one.