RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Product Streamlining Results In Price Reductions At Armageddon Gear

For years, Armageddon Gear has supplied the rifle cases for the M2010 and CSASS programs.

Throughout, they’ve offered the exact same cases to the commercial market, but they are pretty expensive. Realizing that not every user needs the same number or configuration of pouches and pockets as the military, Armageddon Gear reconfigured these offerings in a more simple package without the internal modular pockets. Additionally, they are also able to lower the price.

Shooters can still add any MOLLE style pouch to the internal PALS webbing within the cases, but now they don’t have to buy pouches they don’t need.

The price of the M2010 case has been reduced by $100

The price on the SASS case has been reduced by $40.

No changes have been made to the material or manufacturing quality Armageddon Gear brings to the table.


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