SureFire XC3

B&T USA Awarded The Contract To Supply The Westchester, NY Police Department With Integrally Suppressed APC9-SD Carbines

Tampa, FL – Quick turnaround and unique capabilities, gave B&T USA the advantage in landing the recent RFQ to supply the Westchester NY Police Department with rapid deployment, 9mm carbines. B&T USA’s LE Division won the contract with the integrally suppressed APC9-SD Carbine equipped with Glock lower receivers.

Compact, lightweight and reliable, the APC9 carbines have been proven with countless European Law Enforcement agencies. The integrally suppressed APC9-SD models being supplied to the Westchester PD allow the Department to use their existing Glock magazines without the need to purchase any additional. B&T USA was awarded the contract by being able to deliver the 14 weapons within the specified 60-day requirement.

For more information on these products and other B&T products please visit our website

For information on becoming a B&T USA dealer please contact Jon Scott at B&T USA, +1 (813) 653-1200. Or email

9 Responses to “B&T USA Awarded The Contract To Supply The Westchester, NY Police Department With Integrally Suppressed APC9-SD Carbines”

  1. JoshB says:

    I kinda feel like PPCs are making a tentative comeback. But people aren’t sure if there is a place for them or not. I personally feel like there is a roll they can fill.

    Also F*** New York and it’s gun laws were police can have these but not civillians.

  2. b_rawrd says:

    Make MP5-SD6’s Great Again!

  3. Sean says:

    Government is just another way of saying “Better Than You.”

    Departments should be limited to weapons that citizens in their jurisdiction can own, in my opinion.

    • Alpha2 says:

      As an LE officer in Northern California I completely agree. There should be no difference from what we can obtain as a department to what a law abiding civilian should be able to obtain, including NFA items.

    • Stephen says:

      Absolutely, the fact that normal law abiding people there can’t have these makes one ponder why the police need it since nobody else can have anything NFA to begin with, are they matching a threat??? boy oh boy the irony there.

    • oh Billy says:

      Couldn’t agree more! If they can protect their ears, we should be able to as well. Because outside of hearing protecting- there is zero reason Police officers need suppressors.

  4. Hubb says:

    In my experience, B&T firearms are very good weapons. I like that extended rail system on this model.

    The 9mm magazine is both a strength and weakness for civilians owners though. The upside is that the 9mm magazine fits most other B&T 9mm weapons.

    The downside is that the magazines are polymer with no metal feed lips. Also, the cost of the mags are ridiculous. Brownells sells the 30 round mag for $44.99, it is out of stock and that is cheaper than what other companies sell the mags for; Atlantic Firearms sells the 30 round mag for $69.95.

    I think that is a smart move on B&T’s part to integrate Glock mags in their platform to take advantage of the popularity of those guns in law enforcement and civilian markets.

    • Mike says:

      I own an APC 45 and a ghm9 both suppressed. These are incredible guns. They are the modern H&K MP series. The police department was very smart to go with the Glock lowers as they used Glock pistols. B&T magazines are expensive but they have served me well and have been flawless with over 10,000 rounds through them. You can find them cheaper if you are looking as they share the same magazines as the old Steyr 9 mm, and all b& T’s except for the usw use the same magazines and 9 mm.

  5. Lose_Game says:

    “Compact”? Shit, that thing is humongous. Ingram figured out the solution nearly half a century ago. Why on earth would they go with a subgun of this size when they could have had
    -a more compact 9mm OR
    -a rifle (think MK18)