B5 Systems

Hyperstealth Files Patent Application Which Has Been Demonstrated To Triple Solar Panel Output

Hyperstealth has filed our first non-provisional patent under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). The patent is a system and method of amplifying solar panel output.

The PCT filing allows us to file the same patent internationally in up to 152 countries.

A year ago we filed our provisional patent which provided one year of protection and a starting date of claims that can be used in the non-provisional patent.

This provisional patent allowed the inventor, Guy Cramer, President/CEO of Hyperstealth to secure the method which could increase solar panel output up to 11-13% in December 2017 to 29.5% in May 2018.

Cramer was able to develop further improvements to recently achieve 210.74% more power with Amorphous (thin film) solar panels which amounts to 3.1 times more power (100% is double, so 200% is triple the output). With Monocrystalline solar panels he achieved 180% more power or 2.8 times the output, nearly triple.

Monocrystalline is the most common solar panel for residential and commercial applications.

New discoveries in early December were included in the patent filed today should elevate these levels even further.

One obvious consideration is that this could finally allow solar power to become a viable alternative in northern latitudes which do not get a large amount of solar radiation in the fall and winter months.

It should be noted that these levels are unlikely to be achieved with many of the current residential or commercial configurations due to the panels close proximity to each other however a practical system was developed by Cramer and included in the patent application which showed a 16%+ increase in power output per panel that may be modified to function on preexisting installations.

The patent is extremely large at 110 pages, 61 which are text and 49 which are drawings which details the numerous experiments and progression of discoveries which culminated with today’s filing. Our Patent Attorney has his Masters of Science in Physics which is critical to being able to present this invention properly.

Any new claims not mentioned in the provisional patent filed a year ago will be prioritized from today’s date

There’s a lot more to the patent than discussed here but we can save that for another day.

Hyperstealth now has three remaining provisional patents which are scheduled to be filed as non-provisional patents within the next 9 months. Improvements in each of the three provisional patents has also been achieved and Hyperstealth will not reveal any intellectual property involved until all the improvements have been secured through these patents.

Hyperstealth is inviting only CEO’s of Fortune 500 Company’s to see demonstrations of this technology along with the 3 other technologies which are protected with provisional patents.

10 Responses to “Hyperstealth Files Patent Application Which Has Been Demonstrated To Triple Solar Panel Output”

  1. Kyle Kata says:

    EE here; I doubt all of this.

    • Mike says:

      Renewable energy industry here and I completely agree

    • jrexilius says:

      Think along the lines of a magnifying glass. Its a bit loose in its description but my understanding is that its along the lines of a concentrator not an electric or chemical process inside the panel. The actual efficiency of thr panel isnt changed, its the effective surface area that is changed. But I was getting the description of the tech third hand.

  2. James says:

    Hope it’s real. It might seem a little out of left field, but they’ve alluded to working on an adaptive camo, which would have to include a light gathering/sensing component,. They might just have stumbled upon something.

  3. AGL Bob says:

    “It should be noted that these levels are unlikely to be achieved with many of the current residential or commercial configurations due to the panels close proximity to each other however a practical system was developed by Cramer and included in the patent application which showed a 16%+ increase in power output per panel that may be modified to function on preexisting installations.”

    Sounds like a method of collecting and focusing using a type of refraction.

  4. Another Ed says:

    “Hyperstealth is inviting only CEO’s of Fortune 500 Company’s to see demonstrations of this technology…”

    I would be more impressed if the VPs of Engineering and Development of non-Fortune 500 Companies were also invited.

  5. Kevin Felton says:

    Its probably high tech reflectors, also called aluminum foil

  6. kemp says:

    in other news, hyperstealth now offers an exciting new investment opportunity in trans-saharan bridge construction

  7. Andrew says:

    Once again, Guy comes with something he refuses to show to us normal people.

    A mate of mine is a professor at Cambridge university specialising in this type of thing. He’ll show anyone who asks his research and inventions.

    Why won’t Guy (again)?

    Will this be like the badly photoshopped total invisibility camouflage?