Protact by Haartz

Crye Precision G4 Pant Pocket Configuration

Here’s a inside look at the storage features of the G4 Combat Pant:

(1) Hand pockets incorporate mesh for ventilation and the right one has a reinforced knife/light holder.

(2) Zip thigh pockets are sized for a phone, with mesh for ventilation and a secure closure.

(3) Two charge loops and one knife/light/baton holder allow long items be stowed in the cargo pocket.

(4) Cargo pockets are low profile with bellows at the back for expansion. They feature thermo-bonded flaps that tuck away cleanly, internal water/bottle/magazine stabilizers and mesh for ventilation.

4 Responses to “Crye Precision G4 Pant Pocket Configuration”

  1. Luke says:

    I’m very much in favor of this trend of keeping the cargo pockets forward of the outseam. Traditional cargo pants can let stuff shift to the back of the pocket where you always seem to sit on it or pinch when you crouch or kneel. The rear-biased cargo pockets on the original Crye combats where by far the worst offender.

  2. Bobby davro says:

    Mesh pockets are one of the worst ideas ever, great in theory useless in practice

  3. Blütwurst says:

    Any idea about main opening on G4 jacket? Zipper, or back to good old BDU buttons? Thx