
US Military Buys Aimpoint FCS 13-RE Fire Control System

MALMÖ, Sweden – Aimpoint has been awarded a contract to supply their FCS 13-RE Fire Control System to the U.S. military. The new agreement is a firm, fixed price contract for $24 million (USD). The FCS 13-RE system will be used as the primary fire control on the newest version of the 84mm Carl Gustaf – the lightweight M3-E1 MAAWS, produced by SAAB Dynamics.

The FCS13-RE is a direct view, Dynamic Universal Reflex Sight, which utilizes an integrated laser range finder and ballistic computer to give the gunner an aiming point corrected for range, type of munition, terrain angle, and environmental conditions. In addition to the 84mm Carl Gustaf, the system can also be utilized on other crew served weapons including 40 mm high velocity grenade launchers, and 12.7 mm (.50 caliber) heavy machine guns. The FCS13-RE provides a very high probability of first-shot hit on both stationary and moving targets at extended ranges and utilizes a very intuitive user control interface. The system can be enhanced with modular magnification and thermal imaging components and is compatible with all generations of military night vision equipment.

The selection of the Aimpoint FCS13-RE for use on the M3-E1 Carl Gustaf followed extensive tests and evaluations conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Army’s Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) headquartered at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey.

“Having delivered over one million M68CCO close combat optics to the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force since 1997, Aimpoint has proven to be a highly reliable supplier to the U.S. Armed Forces” said Brian Lisankie, President of Aimpoint Inc. “This latest contract for electronic Fire Control Systems shows that Aimpoint has continued to increase our technical capabilities, and to offer new cutting-edge products for use by our most prestigious military customers.”

“In combination with the new lightweight M3-E1 Carl Gustaf, the FCS13-RE greatly increases the lethality and survivability of troops in the field. The ability to quickly and accurately place the first shot directly on target with a high degree of certainty represents the true value of this system” said Thane Smith, Military Sales Director at Aimpoint Inc.

Deliveries of the Aimpoint FCS13-RE are scheduled for 2019. The system will be fielded by the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Special Operations Command.

Aimpoint is the leading manufacturer and innovator of red dot sighting technology. Learn more at

2 Responses to “US Military Buys Aimpoint FCS 13-RE Fire Control System”

  1. Dave says:


  2. orly? says:

    Go NJ!