Protact by Haartz

SCUBAPRO Sunday – The Devils Brigade

In honor of the SOFIC trade show next week. I wanted to post the movie the Devils Brigade. This was one of my favorite movies growing up. There are a lot of groups from WW ll that can claim to be the grandfathers of USSOCOM. There are different missions that ever Special Forces group does. From Direct action, (First Special Forces group/ Rangers) Special reconnaissance (OSS and OSS Maritime /UDT) and working with guerrilla force behind enemy lines force multiplication (Jedburgh). Those were who did it in WWII, and I didn’t list them all. All of these groups had a big hand in who and what we do today. I could not find the movies, but I found the trailer, if you get a chance it’s a good movie (yes it was made in 68, so there is that). Since this has nothing to do with SCUBAPRO, I throw in a picture of the OSS maritime unit. 

4 Responses to “SCUBAPRO Sunday – The Devils Brigade”

  1. Roy Woodall says:

    That was filmed in Utah and where they are training is Camp Williams. Some of those buildings are still there.

  2. Ton E says:

    The book titled A Perfect Hell is a good read about the 1st FSSF. The movie reminded me way too much of the Dirty Dozen movie.

  3. Bob says:

    It’s on Prime Video. Just happened to be watching it earlier today.

  4. Victor DiCosola says:

    One of my still today favorite movies. My dad introduced it to me many years ago as young guy. Cool to show it to my son now.