SureFire XC3

Blue Force Gear Passes Price Savings To Customers

Blue Force Gear passes savings generated from production automation and volume efficiencies to customers with a substantial price reduction.

MARCO Green, Red & Blue are now $49.95 per unit

MARCO IR is now $99.99 per unit (only available to Military/Law Enforcement)

Envisioned after many wasted hours of prepping traditional 4” and 6″ marking lights, the MARCO™ Marking Light Dispenser is an incredibly efficient and compact way to carry marking sticks for room clearing and many other applications. With the MARCO dispenser, users can save critical time during preparation during pre-mission tasks by not having to unwrap, tape and bundle chem sticks.

The dispensers design makes it simple for users – simply open the Mylar package with the pre-loaded dispenser, insert the MARCO dispenser inside of the belt or MOLLE holster and proceed with the mission. The design prevents the accidental activation of a chem stick, which can cause unwanted light.  

The 2” marking light sticks put out the same light under night vision devices as taped up 4” or 6″ marking sticks and is designed to prevent accidental breaks and glow.  The MARCO holds 30 – 2″ light stick that give roughly the same lumen output as a taped up 4″ traditional chem stick in a package smaller than a standard M4 STANAG mag.

Find technical specs and see a video demonstration of Blue Force Gear’s MARCO Dispenser online at

2 Responses to “Blue Force Gear Passes Price Savings To Customers”

  1. EODMadBomb says:

    I can’t believe I’m excited by stuff like this…What’s wrong with me?

    I think I just hate dangling cyalumes, hanging from rubber bands.

    • Explosive Hazard says:

      You are not the only one. I’m already carrying so much stuff in my personal dismount kit so the more compact and efficient I can make my loadout the better. I too am EOD so I get the appeal.