GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Warrior EAST 19 – Benchmade Mini SOCP

Debuting today is the Mini SOCP. designed by Special Operations Combatives Program founder Greg Thompson and profuced by Benchmade, this is a more compact version of thr popular dagger.

The 440C stainless blade on the Mini is 2.22″ for enhanced concealability.

Greg showed me another grip for using the knife. Despite the shorter blade, it can still be inserted up to 5″ and pulled out via the ring. If you twist while doing this, it opens the wound channel even more.

On the sheath, they’ve modified the clip to lock into PALS webbing, pockets and belts and added a leather sweat pad to combat abrasion caused by the ring. This sweat pad can be retrofitted to existing SOCPs.


10 Responses to “Warrior EAST 19 – Benchmade Mini SOCP”

  1. Amer-Rican says:

    I won’t buy any more BM products because the owners, Les and Roberta De Asis, who appear to be democrats, personally donate cash to the campaigns of very anti-gun candidates like Ron Wyden and Loretta Sanchez.

    We in the gun community have other great brands of American made knives we can buy, from companies who aren’t anti- Second Amendment like BM is.

    • Amer-Rican says:

      Edit for accuracy- remove the name Loretta Sanchez- it was SureFire who donated to that anti- 2A politician, and not BenchMade Knives.

      • Amer-Rican says:

        That should have been U.S. senator for Washington state, Patty Murray. Patty Murray is anti-2A and received contributions from the owners of BM Knives.

        • Joe_K says:

          Are you dense? Or just autistic?

        • Stefan S. says:

          That commie Patty Murray ( I am a resident of WA) was outed in the documentary “The Enemies Within” by filmmaker Trevor Loudon from New Zealand, on Prime Video currently.

          “In the state of Washington, Tim Wheeler, a longtime staff writer and national political correspondent for People’s World (Marxist/Communist publication) and a leader of the Communist Party, openly campaigned to elect Senator Patty Murray, a longtime favorite of the Communist Party”.

          • Amer-Rican says:

            It sounds like Patty Murray is a traitor, and we know Ron Wyden is very anti-2A…

  2. JJ says:

    Any word on a trainer?

    • P.J. says:

      Looks like you could shorten the standard one. Wouldn’t be too bad as a trainer for the full size either.
      On that note any word on when the clip and backer will be available separately?

  3. Ton E says:

    Are we still mad at Benchmade???