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SIG SAUER P320 Patent-Pending XSERIES TXG Grip Module Now Available

NEWINGTON, N.H., (July 25, 2019) – SIG SAUER, Inc. is pleased to introduce the P320 XSERIES TXG Tungsten Infused Grip Module is now available for SIG SAUER P320 Pistols. The TXG grip module was developed by SIG SAUER engineers with a patent-pending process by infusing tungsten into the polymer material providing the weight of steel with the flex of polymer.     

“The new P320 TXG Grip Module is significant leap forward in innovation for polymer pistols, and an exciting addition for factory-direct accessories for the P320,” said Tom Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President, Commercial Sales, SIG SAUER, Inc. “This innovative grip module can be easily installed on any existing P320 XFIVE or P320 Full-Size pistol, increasing the weight by over 8 oz., which helps to reduce muzzle flip by almost fifty-percent.”

The TXG Grip Module includes the P320 XSERIES enhancements including a generous undercut, and a high beavertail allowing for a higher grip and better recoil control. The patent-pending process to develop the grip module infuses the polymer with tungsten, resulting in an overall weight of 16.6oz including the removable grip weight and magwell. All of these features combine to give you the weight of steel, with the flex of a polymer that results in one of the flattest, softest shooting 9mm pistols ever manufactured.

P320 TXG Grip Module:

Frame Size: Full-Size Medium    

Weight: 16.6oz (includes grip and magwell)    

Finish: Gray Polymer    

Compatible with P320 XFIVE or Full-Size Slide Assemblies    

MSRP: $299.99

The SIG SAUER P320 XSERIES TXG Grip Module is available at the SIG SAUER Web Store, and is currently shipping to dealers.  

4 Responses to “SIG SAUER P320 Patent-Pending XSERIES TXG Grip Module Now Available”

  1. Really tho says:

    This the biggest bull of the decade for 299 lmao. It’s just plastic with a heavier mass powder mixed into the slurry. There are no added beneficial properties. They are trying to bamboozle you.

    • Alpha2 says:

      But its tungsten infused polymer and includes a magwell!

    • PNWTO says:

      It’s Sig… bamboozle is in their mission statement.

    • Todd says:

      I would normally agree but I got to shoot it at Triggrcon range day and it was noticeably better then the standard version . I went into it with doubts and now will be buying one .