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Kit Badger – The Date Night Drill

What do you think of this drill Ivan picked up from Bill at AMTAC Shooting?


10 Responses to “Kit Badger – The Date Night Drill”

  1. Ed says:

    For the life of me, I do not understand the temporal-high ready. Everything else looks good and makes sense.

    • Richmond Brumby says:

      I call that the ” I have friends watching” position. Ran into that this last weekend on a 2 Gun event I hosted on my range. I have a J berm set up on my property that gives a 180 degree field of fire but when you you add in towards and return transitions, there are points where the handgun can flag shooters/spectators…etc. We nullify that by making everyone temple index during movement.

  2. jon says:

    The 220 lbs dummy in a dress made me laugh and reminded me of the story my brother told me of this guy in Seattle who had a rescue dummy in a suit just so he could use the carpool lane…then when he got a ticket, brought the dummy to court with him. YMMV.

    • Stefan S. says:

      If you drove I-5 or I-405 you’d understand this. Seattle is a hot mess.

  3. AH says:

    If Pat Macnamara is at one end of the speaking and articulation spectrum, this guy is at the opposite end.

  4. PTMcCain says:

    The part of the drill I did not understand was at the end of the drill where he was standing still slowly shooting two more shots at the steel plate, as if he were at the range.

  5. Alex says:

    Let me preface this because I may have missed something in the video, as I watched it at work and skimmed a bit. I can appreciate the idea of training to shoot from in and around your vehicle, and certainly understand the need to replicate shooting or fighting while moving your/a child, this drill seems full of issues.

    First off, if my vehicle (with kids in it) is approached by one or more bad guys and I have to shoot, I’m going to do so and then drive away from the scene to a safe place to contact authorities. I’m going to smash and bash cars all over the place if I have to, because I’d rather do that than have an OK Corral style gunfight with my kid in the car. I can’t imagine a scenario where I would shoot, then grab my kid and bug out on foot, unless we’re talking about end of the world type gridlock that I can’t drive through.

    Secondly, if we’re also practicing the verbal aspects, and I believe we should, wouldn’t it be a good idea to tell the kid to get out of his/her seatbelt and get on the floor? He’s using a 65lb sandbag, which is about what my 9 year old weighs. He can certainly get his own belt off and get his head down.

    My kids don’t ride in the front seat, and I expect most don’t, so that’s another issue I have with the drill. It’s practicing a scenario that’s not “loyal” to the real deal.

    Also, if I do have to abandon my vehicle and I’m still engaging bad guys, it seems like a bad idea to go around to the passenger side and engage from there. It’s drawing fire at my child. Why not move to a nearby location that endangers the occupants of my vehicle less than standing by his door? If I’m abandoning my vehicle because I can’t find space to drive, there should be plenty of other vehicles that can offer similar cover to my own, without drawing bullets to my kid.

    Finally, as someone said above, I don’t get the “two slow and controlled” shots from distance. I understand the need for marksmanship while holding a child, but it seemed to be a little more “bullseye” than “get off the X”.

    I generally enjoy KitBadger’s stuff, and this drill has some good stuff, but those are my comments.

    • Kit Badger says:

      “All I see around here are trees. Where the hell is the forest…?”

      I think you misunderstood what this is. The drill is nothing more than a number of isolated skills assembled in a easily consumable way. A series of movements to force a number of specific tasks, such as, to name a few:

      – Slow Draw from the driver’s seat.
      – Re-holstering under pressure.
      – Removing dead weight from a vehicle.
      – 1 handed draw from concealment.
      – Shooting one handed while carrying a moderately heavy load.

      The limitations of the flat range are… …the limitations of the flat range. The what-if game thrives there. This is simply a opportunity to work individual skills in a fluid environment. The real training occurs in Force on Force, where there are no what-ifs, you get what you get.