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TRIGGRCON 19 – Sun Optics USA

CMC Triggers purchased Sun Optics USA and is completely revamping the line. Right from the get go, they’ll acknowledge that these are value priced optics. While they’re introducing a new line of variable power optics, they also have three new Red Dot Optics.

Firs off are the RAID Micro and Wide Angle RDOs. Both offer a 2 MOA dot with 11 brightness and 3 Night Vision settings. The Micro has a 26mm lens and the Wide Angle 30mm.

The Micro boasts 50,000 hours due to a Rheostat switch and the Wide Angle and 40,000 due to digital push button controls. They use a 2032 battery.

They feature a cast aluminum housing and both models come with Absolute, Lower 1/3 and Low mounts.

There is also an unnamed pistol RDO coming from Sun Optics.

2 Responses to “TRIGGRCON 19 – Sun Optics USA”

  1. A.K. for T-7 says:

    Sun Optics and US Optics got the same chinese RDO OEM provider…

  2. madman says:

    Dont know too much of this brand but I like CMC triggers.

    Would love to see Aaron Cowan break one or hopefully not break!