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Slide Lock Patent Granted To Hush Puppy Project LLC


On August 13, 2019, The U.S. Patent Office granted US Patent No. 10,378,838 to the Hush Puppy Project for its Slide Lock Device (“SLD”). Hush Puppy Project is a Louisiana-based manufacturer of suppressors, pistols and ammunition “dedicated to the art and science of small arms signature reduction.” US Patent No. 10,378,838 is directed to a mechanism that converts a semiautomatic pistol’s self-loading system to a single-shot locked breech mechanism, thus eliminating the mechanical sound of the slide cycling, the emission of noise from the ejection port (“port pop”) and collateral sound from brass hitting the ground while allowing the suppressor to achieve maximum efficiency. With the SLD disengaged, the pistol may still be fired in normal semiautomatic mode.


“Our new SLD patent covers the mechanism that converts a Glock pistol to function in locked breech mode, thus making for the quietest shot possible, especially when combined with the Hush Puppy Model 2 wipe silencer and Super Vel Mk 144 subsonic ammunition.” said Brad Gilpin, Hush Puppy Project president.

The Hush Puppy Project currently manufactures two brands of pistols with SLDs, Glock 19 Gen 5 and S&W M&P 2.0 as well as two suppressors, the Model 1 and Model 2. Super Vel Ammunition, a sister company of the Hush Puppy Project, manufactures subsonic 9mm ammunition as part of the Project’s “systems approach” to sound reduction.


Hush Puppy Project guns, suppressors and ammunition are available exclusively from Lipsey’s, a firearms wholesaler servicing stocking gun dealers. Military and Law Enforcement customers are manufacturer direct. The Hush Puppy Project is located in Baton Rouge, La.


15 Responses to “Slide Lock Patent Granted To Hush Puppy Project LLC”

  1. SOP says:

    That’s cool. You can also keep your thumb over the end of the slide in a pinch, but that affects your grip.

    • Terry Baldwin says:


      I am curious. Have you ever done that or seen it done – successfully?


      • cy says:

        I’m sure that technique does effect your grip! Permanently?

        • 406 says:

          Nope, only defeats the breach from unlocking.

          • ThatBlueFalcon says:

            Somehow, I’m skeptical – stopping a direct blowback slide from reciprocating with your finger feels like some Darwin-award winning advice…

            but I’m willing to be proven wrong.

            • Joe says:

              It can be done . I’ve done it with a full size M&P. You have to firmly push forward with your thumb to prevent the slide from moving.

            • SSD says:

              It’s not a question of if it can be done. Sure, why not? Well, achy thumb, shitty grip, fucked sight picture…those are the why nots.

            • Dave M says:

              No, it doesn’t hurt at all. Once the slide is moving? No, you don’t want your hand anywhere near it; but stopping it from moving in the first place doesn’t take anywhere close to the effort.

              Same goes for holding an AK charging handle in battery.

              • SLG says:

                There is no issue with holding the slide forward with your thumb, other then it is a very close range technique. No injury, no pain, not a big deal. I’ve done it with 9’s and .40’s but nothing more powerful. It is a technique mostly taught outside of the U.S., for very specific purposes.

  2. Jack Griffin says:

    Random thought: Didn’t one of the early variants of the H&K Mk23 have a slide lock device integrated into the trigger guard? Cool feature for a suppressed gun, especially on a Glock 19.

  3. Jon, OPT says:

    Knight’s had a similar device for the M9 that required holes to be drilled in the frame and a modified slide, it was built to use with sub sonic ammo and a KAC suppressor that used replaceable polyurethane baffles.

    The concept isn’t new, but the designs I’ve seen are significantly different. Good to see a solution for the Glock out there now; I’m unaware of one existing for that platform prior to this.

  4. EODMadBomb says:

    Using a support hand in a thumb over slide grip, also works. Of course you don’t get a very good sight picture with your thumb in the way.

  5. Seamus says:

    I would love to see this in a Glock 21 optic cut slide since .45ACP in 220gr is also subsonic and a hell of a lot more available than subsonic 9mm.