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RCAF’s 442 Sq Takes The Tetris Challenge

You’ve probably seen the so-called Tetris challenge photos posted by various military units depicting their gear layout. This one is from the Royal Canadian Air Force’s 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron.

8 Responses to “RCAF’s 442 Sq Takes The Tetris Challenge”

  1. Mark G says:

    A load out posted by a Canadian unit is about as useful as one from A French unit… just sayin’

  2. arche says:

    Smoke crack often or is this your first go?

  3. Luke says:

    Love these layouts.

    in before some old guy complains that people laying down look like casualties…

  4. Lasse says:

    We do this once a year, it’s called an equipment inspection…

    • Sommerbiwak says:

      sometimes more than once…

      But why not use the opportunity to take a photo for the album?

  5. Matthew Kime says:

    This “fad” is phenomenal for our Film/TV equipment research. Bravo to whoever kicked this off!

  6. .308 says:

    these guys do not get enough respect… one of the most dangerous jobs in the CF; on patrol 24/7/365.. only 110-140 rescue techs for the entire country!