SureFire XC3

Kevin “KD” Dixie Joins Propper as Brand Ambassador

St Charles, MO – Propper International is proud to announce Kevin Dixie, owner of No Other Choice (NOC) Firearms Training and community advocate, as our newest Brand Ambassador.

Kevin’s positive influence has grown exponentially over the past several years as he nurtured his national “Aiming for the Truth” program (recently awarded non-profit status) that reaches out to families throughout the country to educate them on how gun rights can benefit the African-American community, with an emphasis on having “no other choice” before employing a firearm in self-defense.

“Being an instructor is more than teaching people about protecting their lives,” Kevin said. “It’s also about teaching them to value themselves. I’m happy to be aligned with Propper, a brand that believes in people the way that I do.”

Prior to founding NOC, Kevin spent 10 years working in Prisoner Processing for the City of St. Louis Police Department.

“Kevin’s passion for educating people is inspirational,” said John Negrau, VP of Marketing & E-Commerce for Propper. “He has worked with Propper as a sponsored shooter for the past three years and we are excited to expand our relationship and have him aboard as a Brand Ambassador.”

In addition to his own video channel, Kevin has appeared on NRA TV, front and center on the cover of Time magazine, on a wide assortment of other industry video channels, and was recently a featured speaker at a pro-gun rights rally on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.

7 Responses to “Kevin “KD” Dixie Joins Propper as Brand Ambassador”

  1. Zach says:

    Cool rifle camo. I want to add more to it though. I’m sure he wanted it light and knows what he’s doing however.

  2. Amer-Rican says:

    Always great to see normal patriotic Americans like Kevin defying the fascist left’s stereotypes!

    • redbeard says:

      Fascist left, eh?

      Never heard that one. Can you explain?

      • Shillelagh Pog says:

        Fascist-National Socialist-Socialist- you know…Left. Just right of Communism on the spectrum, not what you were taught in school eh?

      • AbnMedOps says:

        Yep. Fascism is properly and correctly situated on the so-called “left” of the so-called “political spectrum”. The so-called “political spectrum” terminology, as used today by the Leftist agenda dominated and driven academic world and their media spawn, is a twisted and inverted set of definitions, designed to distort perception and obscure historical truth. An historically accurate and truthful diagramming of the “political spectrum” presents to the two ideologic poles as “INDIVIDUALISM” (ie: the so-called “Right wing”), and “COLLECTIVISM” (is: the so-called “Left wing”). The “Right wing”, in it’s various political guises, places (or at least claims to) place the Individual as the fundamental element, with rights protected by a system of laws in which the State is subordinate to the Individual(s). Conversely, the “Left wing”, in it’s various degrees, places the Individual as subordinate to the Collective, particularly the State. Fascism and Nazi-ism (National Socialism) (both of which splintered off from the various other branches of Socialist theory (theology?) ), explicitly place the Individual as subordinate to, and in service of, the State.

      • Roy says:

        Wake up to yourself you fuckwit