GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Mean Gene Leather Running a Little Slow – But Still Running

We are happy to report that Mean Gene Leather is running just a little slow on fulfilling orders. Normally this would be a cause for concern, but in this instance a good sign.

Not too long ago, MGL’s founder Gene Higdon suffered a heart attack at home and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. He was released a few days later with a couple of stents and assorted other ticker-upgrades. Since then, per the doctor’s orders, he has been “taking it easy”, and then later this week he’ll be back at with the sawbones to deal with two more blockages (which will be treated with medication).

These orderlies will be reinforced with other young’uns shortly – in fact, there will be at least five of them on duty by Friday.

Some of Gene’s grandkids keeping him out of the shop.

If you have an order outstanding with MGL, hang in there – it’s coming. You can still order most items off the website, but be advised: it won’t be there by Christmas, and will probably take somewhat longer than normal to ship.

Of course, in Mean Gene’s world, “taking it easy” would normally mean a 40-50 hour work week instead of his normal 90+, but happily he’s been assigned a couple of orderlies to keep him in line.

For additional information, contact  info@meangeneleather.com.

7 Responses to “Mean Gene Leather Running a Little Slow – But Still Running”

  1. Jon, OPT says:

    One of my longest and dearest friendships in the tactical gear community, to a speedy recovery, and a great Christmas for both Gene and Becky!

  2. Pat says:

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery. True asset to our community.

  3. Jesse says:

    Hope you get some solid rest and have a speedy recovery Gene.

  4. MM says:

    Take it easy and get some rest Gene! Hugs to Becky!

  5. Grady Burrell says:

    Americana at its very core ! That’s a craftsman.

  6. Keld says:

    I hope for a speedy recovery for you, Gene.
    Best wishes for you and your family.

  7. Allan says:

    Mean Gene .. A great American tack and tactical sewing machine !!! Speedy recovery Mr. Gene .