TYR Tactical

TacJobs – Join The US Space Force

Concurrent with signing the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act into law, a sixth military service, the US Space Force has been created.

From: SECAF <secaf@us.af.mil>

Sent: Friday, December 20, 2019 20:25

Subject: Space Force

To the Men and Women of the United States Air Force and United States Space Force:

Today, the President signed the National Defense Authorization Act, and with the bipartisan support of Congress, established a sixth branch of the armed forces – the United States Space Force. The U.S. Space Force, an independent service singularly focused on protecting our interests and security in space, launches the nation into a new era. Combined with the standup of U.S. Space Command in August 2019, our nation is now well postured to preserve and protect space.

Forging a new service is an historic opportunity to deliver world-class capabilities to the American people. As of today, the law re-designates Air Force Space Command as the U.S. Space Force. Space professionals will soon have the opportunity to permanently transfer into the new service, while U.S. Air Force Airmen will continue to support the space mission. More information is available at spaceforce.mil.

Together with our joint teammates and our spacefaring allies and partners, we will establish a service that meets the highest standards of excellence, built on a foundation of integrity and service. We’re proud to serve with you!

Barbara Barrett
Secretary of the Air Force

David L. Goldfein
General, U.S. Air Force
Chief of Staff

John W. Raymond
General, U.S. Space Force
Chief of Space Operations

4 Responses to “TacJobs – Join The US Space Force”

  1. FormerDirtDart says:

    I’m still holding out for “Orbital Guard”

  2. TheFull9 says:

    Aw boo, the website is down. I really wanted to see what different space marine MOSs would be on offer.

  3. Papa6 says:

    Excellent! I can finally become a space shuttle door gunner!