TYR Tactical

SureFire Spotlight: The Stiletto Pro

SureFire Spotlight videos are a high level rundown of specific products. This one focuses on the SureFire Stiletto Pro, a handheld light with anodized aluminum body and reversible pocket clip. Rechargeable via USB, it features a MaxVision Beam reflector, providing 1,000 lumens of LED white light in high-output mode, 300-lumen on medium setting, and a 25-lumen low output.


2 Responses to “SureFire Spotlight: The Stiletto Pro”

  1. Kyle says:

    So close but they have two issues that keep me from buying.

    – It should have been USB3-C. But, only 10% because of the better reversible connector. If I’m buying a rechargeable light, it is going to require USB Power Delivery. There is ZERO reason to not have this. The plus is that if they manage PD correctly, you could use the light to emergency charge other devices like your phone. How they spaced this I have no idea. They need a better electronics dept. USB3C PD should cost at most $1-2 more.

    – It has a separate programming button, and no way to disable strobe. IhVe enough low light training to know I have not, nor even will want disco feature. I’ll strobe my light as necessary. The way this works, if I’m lighting between moves and shoots, it’s toggling itself between strobe and high.

    Pretty disappointed SureFire. Maybe next time.

    • Charlie says:

      You can in fact disable the strobe. The manual has instructions on how to do this. I agree that it should have been USB-C though.