SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Fighting Gun 101: Gas Ports

Many companies won’t publish this. We believe in transparency. Whether you purchase directly from us, our dealers, or build it yourself, it all starts here…


10.5″ Carbine .073
11.5″ Carbine .071
12.5″ Carbine .068
14.5″ Carbine .0625
16″ Carbine .0625
13.7″ Mid .0785
14.5” Mid .077
16″ Mid .076
18″ Rifle .0995
20″ Rifle .093


MK18 10.3” Carbine .070
M4 14.5″ Carbine .0625
MK12 18” Rifle .0995
M16 20″ Rifle .093

SOLGW recommended Sprinco spring/buffer combination based on type of buffer system:

11.5” Milspec: Blue Spring/H2 (LAW Folder H), A5: Green Spring A5H2 (LAW A5H1)
12.5” Milspec: Blue Spring/H2 (LAW Folder H), A5: Green Spring A5H2 (LAW A5H1)
13.7” Milspec: Blue Spring/H (LAW Folder H), A5: Green Spring A5H2 (LAW A5H1)
13.9” Milspec: Blue Spring/H (LAW Folder H), A5: Green Spring A5H2 (LAW A5H1)
14.5” Milspec: Blue Spring/H (LAW Folder H), A5: Green Spring A5H2 (LAW A5H1)
16” Milspec: Blue Spring/H (LAW Folder H), A5: Green Spring A5H2 (LAW A5H1)

7 Responses to “Fighting Gun 101: Gas Ports”

  1. lcpl0420 says:

    “fighting gun” a product not used by those serving their country in combat but popular on social media.

    • Ed says:

      Yeah, ya know why?? Because the shitty MK18’s and M4A1’s I used in NSW! It only takes US Mil and SOCOM to adapt after 10 fucking years! Sorry, I guess I’m not as humble as you, that I’d rather take a “civilian” AR to war than a POS uncle Sambo had been shitting out last 50+ years! ?

      • lcpl0420 says:

        Calling a civilian AR a civilian AR makes much more sense than calling a civilian AR a fighting gun. I am sorry you did not like the weapons you were issued in NSW.

        • Sommerbiwak says:

          Civilians do not get into gun fights?

        • Ed says:

          Hmmm? All the PD’s and LEO’s I know in several different agencies/states use civilian AR rifles, not hand me down Govt surplus shit. I guess they’re a bunch of wannabe’s IYO. I know a certain SRT that gets great training from a particular “unit” if ya get my drift! 😉

  2. WILL-I-AM says:

    There are many ways to serve our country, abroad and at home. Great to know you stopped by to verify the recognition of popularity. Must be doing something right devil.

  3. James says:

    Glad to see they use a larger port on the 14.5 mid. If you’re going to run questionable ammo you can go as high as .0810 on them, but .077 should make for a smooth running rifle with good ammo .