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Gunfighter Cast Now “The Mag Life Podcast”

August 08, 2020 (Coppell, TX)


For inquiries: Daniel Shaw DShaw@gunmagwarehouse.com

It’s the longest-running “gun-related” podcast still publishing new episodes. It’s had well over 3 million downloads and maintains an unmatched, encyclopedic archive of material relevant to the responsible armed citizen. It is equally significant to military personnel, peace officers, and anyone interested in awareness and personal defense. It has featured guests the like of Ken Campbell, Rob Leatham, Dave “Boon” Benton, Byron Rogers, Kerry Davis, Steve Fisher, Varg Freeborn (now the co-host!), and many more.

You knew it as Gunfighter Cast. Now it is The Mag LifePodcast ? and the latest episode is one of the best yet.

The most recent installment, Episode 165, is about thinking beyond the 4 firearm safety rules. It’s about advanced safety, we mean safety in the context of fighting the gun.

Not just the 4 Rules of Gun Safety, but rather the 4 Rules of Gun Safety as taken to its most exigent extreme: the moment when deadly force is called for.

“That’s what separates the rockstars from the groupies,” says Host and Founder Daniel Shaw. “It’s weapon handling and weapon safety under extreme, life-threatening conditions.”

? Can you safely move through and around other people who are themselves moving unpredictably with your weapon out  ?  without sacrificing your lethality in relation to the threat?

? Are you confident you know when drawing your weapon is appropriate and when it might make the situation worse, even during an event that might make unholstering seem to be the obvious choice?

? Can you make confident, fluid transitions from one method of moving with the gun to another to mitigate safety problems in your fighting environment? Position Sul, temple index, high port, low ready…none of them are a one-size-fits-all technique.

? Can you balance what’s personally safe for you vs. what’s safer for those around you while maintaining effective lethality for your threat?

? Are you aware of your own skill deficits? Are you at least aware that you do have some?

The four rules of gun safety are far less likely to stand up to real-life use if there is no clear understanding of contextual relevance in the face of environmental constraints. The phrase “keep your muzzle pointed downrange” and “keep your weapon pointed in a safe direction at all times” are both good in principle, but they should actually be replaced with Keep your muzzle pointed in the relative safest direction for your situation.

That’s why we hope you’ll listen to Beyond the 4 Rules of Gun Safety. Episode 165 on The Mag Life Podcast (formerly Gunfighter Cast).

Look for new episodes every Thursday.

Know someone who would be a good guest? Contact host Daniel Shaw, DShaw@gunmagwarehouse.com.

One Response to “Gunfighter Cast Now “The Mag Life Podcast””

  1. JK says:

    So true