
Leatherman x Tonquin Trading Emergency Kits

Leatherman Tools has partnered with Tonquin Trading to introduce three distinct emergency kits. The core of each of these kits is a Leatherman tool with select contents packed in a color-coded, zippered nylon bag, with room for a little more to customize your kit.

Raptor Trauma Kit

In addition to the Leatherman Raptor folding scissors, there’s a SAM XT Tourniquet, nitrile gloves, chest seal, 6” gauze roll, Chitosam 3” x 4’, marker, and cloth tape.

Signal Survival Kit

The survival kit is built around Leatherman’s flagship model, the Signal which is packed with 19 tools. The help keep you alive, there’s also a survival blanket, hand warmer, poncho, pull fire, face mask, toiletries (pocket tissue), light stick, signal mirror, matches, Paracord 50′, and Sawyer Mini water filter.

Wave Plus Repair Kit

In addition to the 18 tool Wave Plus, the kit includes: Duct Tape (2 in x 10 yd), waterproof matches, electrical tape, safety pins (1 3/4″), zip ties 24″ (x2), shop rag, Paracord 50′, thermoplastic repair tape, gear patches, superglue, nylon repair thread and needle set, and 19 gauge wire.

Here, Tonquin Trading founder Jason Johnson, gives you an overview.

5 Responses to “Leatherman x Tonquin Trading Emergency Kits”

  1. Seamus Bradley says:

    A couple thoughts on the Trauma Pack:

    PPE: Needs 1-2 pairs of exam gloves. Safety first folks.
    MASSIVE HEMORRHAGE: Kudos for the SAM XT Tourniquet (CoTCCC approved)
    AIRWAY: Where is the NPA?
    RESPIRATIONS: Kudos on the Chest Seal
    CIRCULATION: CHITOSAM may answer the mail here but willing to bet there are cheaper and better alternative premanufactured bandages (H&H, NARP, CMS etc)
    HYPOTHERMIA PREVENTION: A simple $2 Mylar survival blanket from the survival kit would be a GREAT addition. Packs small, light and does not add much to the cost of the kit and you already have them on hand.

    M1) Ditch the medical grade skin marker for a Mini-sharpie. Probably cheaper. Also TCCC Card (DD1380) would be great to have something to document injuries on and are free to download on internet. Print on Rite-in-Rain paper for bonus points.
    M2) Kudos on the Leatherman Raptor Shears…they are awesome, but expensive. Maybe make a Leatherman Shear that has less functionality or less bulk (maybe non-foldable) for a simpler cost effective super high quality shear that will assuage the cost of the other upgrades.
    M3) Trauma bag needs a carry handle
    M4) Since it looks like you partnered with SAM Medical why not a SAM Splint and ACE wrap? You can do a million things with those.
    M5) Consider swapping the medical tape out for mini-roll of gorilla tape. It Sticks to bloody & sweaty skin better and is air tight for sealing up the chest with plastic wrappers from chest seal.

    Just some thoughts from a guy who does pre-hospital trauma for a living.

    • Papa6 says:

      As another person who does “pre-hospital trauma” for a living; I agree with most of your assessment of this kit.
      – I was surprised there were no gloves in the kit. Maybe these were left out so the purchaser can add their own size?
      – It’s great to see a company adopting the SAM line of medical equipment. My department switched to the SAM XT tourniquet last year and really like them. A SAM Splint and 4″ or 6″ ACE wrap would be an excellent addition.
      – Big +1 on a Sharpie. Add one of the little, blue Sharpies. Heck even a full-sized Sharpie would be a more versatile addition than a skin marker.
      – I would suggest adding some type of waterproof paper/Pt care documentation card instead of a DD1380. More appropriate for the target audience.
      – Ditch the Chitosam and add a Woundclot hemostatic gauze instead. This is the cutting-edge in hemostatic agents.
      – Switch out the roller gauze for a compressed gauze. Better form function.

      All-n-all, this kit seems pretty legit.

  2. Papa6 says:

    What has this world come to when a “face mask” is considered an important addition to a survival kit?!?

  3. Hi Everyone,
    This is Jason with Tonquin Trading.

    Here is a video I created on our youtube last week to explain more about our kits in depth.

    Thanks for the feedback and the post. I am hopeful there is a lot more to come. Good or bad this is how you curate the best kits so I appreciate all input.

    To answer a couple simple questions about the Leatherman X Tonquin Trading Trauma Kit, we went with the surgical marker based on it coming from an Oregon based company not the price or the size, it will still get the job done. Every component in these kits are from 100% Oregon based companies including my own. Our bags are Made in The USA. There are gloves in the kit but your right about you can never be to safe. It was a challenge even getting them considering we started this project last December, well before the start of the pandemic.

    We are out of Seaside Oregon, one of the worst inundation zones on the Pacific Coast. The place I like to call ground zero for creating Emergency Medical Equipment. Thanks again for your post and everyone’s attention to details.