FirstSpear TV

5.11 Debuts “Call to Service” Podcast

Irvine, CA (September 17, 2020) – 5.11, Inc., the global innovator of purpose-built apparel, footwear and gear, has debuted a weekly podcast, “Call to Service” – Presented by 5.11. The mission of the podcast is to provide an inside look into the lives of public safety personnel and provide dialogue between professionals. Guests vary from an array of backgrounds including tactical operators, law enforcement, fire, emergency services, and active and veteran military personnel.

5.11 as a company was built on servicing the professional community through producing end-user-tested apparel and gear that meets the needs of life’s most demanding missions. Over the years, 5.11 has introduced several other initiatives to bridge the professional and civilian communities including programs like Quiet Warrior, Everyday Hero, and in-store ABR (Always Be Ready) Academies where 5.11 provides cost-free clinics for store patrons instructed by professionals in an effort to educate guests on areas of expertise such as trauma/first aid, fitness, and concealed carry.

“In trying to figure out a way to truly honor our first responders and frontline workers, we came to the conclusion as a team that telling their stories was the first step to doing that,” said 5.11’s Chief Marketing Officer, Debra Radcliff. “Our hope for “Call to Service” is that in learning about the professional community and what they endure on a daily basis.”

“Call to Service” has the opportunity to act as a platform to dive into current day trends from a larger collective of individuals,” said 5.11’s Director of Professional Marketing, Chris Skahill. “This process of sharing information between a strong mix of guests from a variety of assignments and backgrounds across regions will give visibility to different practices and comparisons allowing for opportunities for growth.”

“Call to Service” will be hosted by 5.11’s Director of Southwest Sales, Will Ayres. Ayres has been with 5.11 for 9 years. Working across the globe for 5.11 during his tenure, Ayres has spoken with countless public safety workers and understands the hardships these individuals face on a daily basis as well as the importance that dependable gear, like 5.11’s, carries for these men and women.

The first “Call to Service” podcast featured an interview with former US Navy SEAL and Tident Concepts, LLC President, Jeff Gonzalez, followed by ShivWorks founder and former law enforcement and SWAT officer, Craig Douglas. In the coming weeks, “Call to Service” will feature interviews with Mike Pannone, former operational member of U.S. Marine Reconnaissance, Army Special Forces (Green Beret) and 1st SFOD-D (Delta); Larry Zanoff, Israeli army combat veteran; a SWAT department from Southern California; Rick Hogg, 29-year US Army Special Operation Combat Veteran and owner of War HOGG Tactical; Ryan Starling, active San Bernardino County Firefighter and SWAT Engineer Paramedic.

“Call to Service” episodes will be available each Thursday, and can be found on a variety of platforms, including iTunes, Google, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Pocket Casts, Deezer, Castbox, Amazon and iHeart.

2 Responses to “5.11 Debuts “Call to Service” Podcast”

  1. Minn-Kota says:

    If you are an independent retailer that still sells this brand, you are a fool.

    Don’t be surprised when they drop a store in your backyard. Your supplier has been your competitor, the whole time.

    • Tyrus Rechs says:

      My friend you are 100% correct. This has been the 5.11 master plan since 2008. When Dan Costa sold 5.11 part of the upside value (the future plan) that made the company more attractive was exactly that they would “go consumer direct.”. I was there and heard it from the horse’s mouth. 5.11 will screw anyone and the dealers that helped build the brand. They have had massive employee turnover. None of the founding members are there. Many of the people who work there have no street experience so they hire influencers like Tim Kennedy. This company sucks now. Support your local or small dealers. Whatever you do don’t buy from the 5.11 stores or their brand website. This is basically the same thing our politicians did with respect to China. They sold out the little guys who built the company (or the country). 5.11 = Evil