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Task Force Dagger is Now Doing Business as Task Force Dagger Special Operations Foundation

As of October 16, 2020, Task Force Dagger Foundation is doing business as Task Force Dagger Special Operations Foundation. The decision to update the name of the organization to include Special Operations was made to reinforce the commitment to the Special Operations Forces (SOF) community. Since 2009, Task Force Dagger Foundation has been a reliable resource for SOCOM and has provided more than $6.5 million in support to 3,600 families. The organization will continue to provide assistance to wounded, ill and injured SOF service members and their families through its three core programs: Immediate Needs, Rehabilitative Adaptive Events and the TFDSOF Health Initiatives. The rebranding includes an updated website and logo to reflect the new name. Visit the new website here

This year has been a difficult year for many nonprofits, and Task Force Dagger Special Operations Foundation is no exception. As the need to support the SOF community continues, TFDSOF is seeking year-end contributions and recurring monthly donors so they may continue to assist SOF families as Task Force Dagger Special Operations Foundation.

To become a donor, contact TFDSOF Executive Director, Alan Williams at or donate on their website

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