RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

US Army Develops Advanced Integrated Kneepad for Army Combat Pant

For years the Army Combat Pant has used the Crye Precision AirFlex Kneepad. The Army has had to buy them from Crye Precision and not owning the Intellectual Property isn’t able to make changes or outsource manufacturing elsewhere.

USSOCOM uses a different two-piece kneepad for their Level 9 combat uniform which was developed by Patagonia. It’s called the Versatile Integrated Knee Protection with a padded portion placed inside a pocket at the knee with four grommets to accommodate connecting a hard shell component to the outside.

Adoption of the VIKP would have put the Army in the same position regarding changes and manufacturing.

For some time the Army been working on an alternative and it looks like they’re getting close to fielding the Advanced Integrated Kneepad. Like the Patagonia VIKP, it’s a two-piece design, but connects via straps.

The differences in the AIK design required the Army to make changes to the ACP knee.

The Technical Data Package (TDP) for the Supply Request Package (SRP) is expected to be submitted to DLA 2nd Qtr FY 21 so it can be procured from industry.

Planned improvements will include various threat level protections as necessary and integration across additional operational ensembles such as the new Chemical Biological Protective Suit and National Fire Service Smoke Jumper Garment.

23 Responses to “US Army Develops Advanced Integrated Kneepad for Army Combat Pant”

  1. Mehmaster says:

    Looks like arc teryx kneecaps over the crye foam.

  2. Greg says:

    Patagonia… there has to be a better American company to work with.

    After running a high-end company for years, that has made him rich, the owner is political against capitalism and uses his company as a platform to do it.

    And it kinda looks like Patagonia is ripping off other designs, I guess they are big believers in property rights and that sort of thing.

    • lcpl0420 says:

      2020: when a private company that provides free market solutions to public sector demands is considered anti-capitalist.

    • Amer-Rican says:

      Greg, I agree about the owner of Patagonia being anti-American because they exploit capitalism and freedom to denounce capitalism and freedom, in the same way democrats exploit the first amendment to promote the anti-freedom systems of socialism and communism.

      • Iggy says:

        Crye happily provide services to our socialist comrades in Australia.

        • Raul says:

          Greg’s motion on Patagonia seconded, donated all my Patagonia to the Salvation Army a few years ago. Guess I’m not woke enough nor from Wokerstan to hang… Oh well…

      • lcpl0420 says:

        Can anyone give any examples of the denouncing of freedom and capitalism that seems to be the consensus here? How is a private company making uniforms for socom anti-capitalism and anti-American? If you don’t like their products, don’t buy them and don’t go to the selection for a unit that issues their gear.

        • chris says:

          And it’s bad that they’re saying we buy too much stuff and maybe we shouldn’t buy more?

        • xdarrows says:

          “Capitalism has been quite generous to Chouinard, and now he’s decided that it is a problem and needs massive changes. Those of us who have not made our first billion notice he’s pushing to change the rules for making and keeping money now that he’s got his fortune.”


          • Lasse says:

            The comments here are Patagonia, Patagonia, Patagonia!!!, Patagonia., Patagonia!, Patagonia, Patagonia, PatagoniaPatagoniaPatagoniaPatagoniaPatagonia.

            The article merely states that Patagonia developed the Level 9 kneepads (which for reference, are old) and that the Armys new development is similar in the two piece design that Patagonia made. Reading is fundamental, but understanding is fundamentaler.

            And while Chouinard might not be your political favorite, he is the epitome of the American system. He is literally winning the capitalism freedom game while doing his own thing.

        • Airborne_Fister says:

          The only thing I know about Patagonia is that they are trying to be “eco” friendly and they are a brand that goes for fashion. They tailor more towards the people who want to look outdoorsy yet are couch potatoes.

        • SShink says:

          One example, comin’ right up…
          Patagonia’s tags say “vote the aXXholes out” underneath

  3. Strike-Hold says:

    It looks like a nice design. But, is the hard knee cap still exposed – like it is on the Crye’s? I think UF PRO’s internalized concept is better – not the least because you still have a fully enclosed knee patch if you take the pads out.

    Love the acronym though – AIK (as in “oh my achin’ knees!”). I wonder if that was created by a certain jumper on the Natick team…

    • lcpl0420 says:

      Strike-Hold, I think I know the jumper you are referring to! I don’t know why they still do it but god bless them.

  4. Ex Coelis says:

    Simply DO NOT understand why one of THE most physically and monetarily capable military forces still insists on using second-rate equipment and camouflage. Scorpion? A visually close second to OCP but a second-rate camouflage choice at best. And what does the Special Op’s community refer to someone who come’s in second place? A First place loser. Patagonia? Greg says (almost all of)it for me.. Compared to Crye Precision, other than Patagonia utilizing Crye’s various proprietary MultiCam fabrics, Patagonia’s uniform equipment simply does not meet the same quality standards as Crye Precision. Can only hazard a guess that this ‘command-level’ decision all boils down to available monies and budgetary considerations which, at the end of the day, is contrary to rule number one of The 5 Special Operations Forces Truths: 1 – Humans are more important than Hardware..

  5. Kris says:

    I remember being told that even tough we were issued inserts and the Army had pants that said inserts fit in, we were to not use the insets and had to use the giant external knee pads.

  6. DJax says:

    Let’s see if the TPD is released an impact standard. If not, hello cheap foam that holds more water than providing impact protection.

  7. EJ says:

    The funny thing is all you people are making comments about CRYE being better than Patagonia and Patagonia being against freedom blah blah blah. But you don’t actually read what Patagonia is about or that the owner of Patagonia is not saying those things it was the CEO that was fired. As far as one Cami being better than the other they’re actually material is all made in the same exact place it’s just to cut and sells it when it’s all said and done. As far as one Cami pattern being better than the other one again you guys have no clue what you’re talking about. Multi cam and scorpion pattern were both look very much like what the Germans had in World War II and as far as one being better than the other you’re truly just falling into advertising. I’m sure you all are the same that said they would never go to Starbucks ever again because they asked the policeman to leave but then at shot show you were standing in line at Starbucks before you went in just like all the other sheep good job

  8. Ed says:

    All that capitalism vs socialism and Patagonia’s cucked “save the world” BS aside, we got issued the first run of Lvl-9’s years ago and the pants blew out, shirts did fit right, one AOR1 was too tight while same size AOR2 was fine. Waist size you had to up 2, and seams would separate after one block of ULT. Trash!

    Same can be said for Eagle Ind. MCLS kit when they started making their shit “off-shore” The original MCLS kit going back in early mid-2000’s was fine, even the first runs of AOR1 around 2007.

    Gotta love BIG socom! Too fucking much money and no sense!

  9. Bennnington says:

    I have a feeling that Cyre Precision is crying at the loss of the moolah from licencing fees and if the ACP goes commercial with the new USGI designed kneepads, well CP is going to have some serious competition