SureFire XC3

Troy Industries Moving to Tennessee

Troy Industries was founded in Massachusetts by Air Force Veteran and Massachusetts State Trooper Steve Troy. There’s no doubt that Massachusetts? is Troy’s home so it came as quite a surprise to find out that Troy Industries had recently announced that they are moving their operation to Clarksville, Tennessee beginning in June. Of course, Steve Troy is also a pragmatist.

“While TROY has enjoyed a very successful period of growth in Massachusetts, the changing climate for firearms manufacturers in the state determined the need for our relocation to Tennessee to ensure the continued success of the company. We are excited to begin this new venture and appreciate all the support we have already received from Representative Mark Green, Governor Bill Lee and the state of Tennessee in making this relocation possible.”

Steve Troy,
President and CEO,
Troy Industries, Inc.

They plan to employ 75 employees and Tennessee is glad to have them.

“I appreciate TROY for choosing to relocate to Tennessee and am proud to partner with this world-renowned firearms manufacturer. When companies pick Tennessee to locate or expand their operations, it is a vote of confidence to our state’s business-friendly climate and skilled workforce. I thank TROY for this investment and the creation of new jobs for Tennesseans.”

Bill Lee
Tennessee Governor

4 Responses to “Troy Industries Moving to Tennessee”

  1. Papa6 Actual says:

    Good on them! Nothing is going to change in the “blue” states until they get hit hard in the pocket book.

    • Strike-Hold says:

      Beacon Hill doesn’t give a damn Papa6. They are fully in cahoots with the “all legal guns in the hands of civilians should be as difficult to get and own as possible” agenda. They WANT to drive all firearms businesses and any investments in them out of state.

      Meanwhile, we have the highest rates of gangs, violent crime, and felony firearms offences in the North-East – but they don’t care about that.

      • DangerMouse says:

        Sadly, many of these places don’t even care about money any more. Same with media. It’s all about ideology now.

        • Will Rodriguez says:

          Look at it this way.

          They won’t be able to arm themselves.