
DSEi 21 – Molliflex

Sometimes at a trade show you zig instead of zag? and when I turned left instead of right on my last say at DSEi I ran smack dab into the Intelligent Textiles Limited stand and their Molliflex cables.

The lady in the stand read my badge aloud, “soldier systems” and as she did it I looked at what they were doing and replied?, “you’re right in my wheelhouse.” Turns out, this is the gem I was searching for at DSEi, that one product I didn’t expect to find, but has great potential.

They’ve done such a good job with their Molliflex cable, that you probably didn’t even notice it in the photo at first or maybe even second glance.

The cable is just 2mm thick and can be woven into PALS compatible platforms. Due to how things it is, pouches can be added over Molliflex. Molliflex lays flat even when folded for 90 degree turns. In fact, it can be folded over two million times before the internal connection is broken. Additionally, it is IP68 rated. The connector is a standard Glenair Mighty Mouse which is Nett Warrior compliant.

Attachments to devices include an Ejector QD plug and Hardpoint attachment plate.

It is rated for power at 5amps,<50voltsDC1 and data at USB 2.0, 480 Mbps.

The outer material is DWR coated nylons me available in Multicam, Coyote, Flecktarn, CADPAT, and Black.

5 Responses to “DSEi 21 – Molliflex”

  1. Frier Duck says:

    Is this the same cable system shown in the pictures of your “Army Modernizes Tactical Power with Battery Interoperability” article,

  2. Crackers says:

    That’s cool. I know of two or three outfits here in the us working that angle, but not are truly at the cots level yet. Well done.