RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Rampart Range Day 21 – Aimpoint ACRO P2

The Acro P2 features an improved LED emitter (3.5 MOA dot) coupled with a higher capacity CR2032 battery to provide up to five years (50,000 hours) of constant-on power. The new digital intensity adjustment keypad provides a more distinct tactile feel when adjusting the dot intensity, and these controls are now placed next to the battery compartment.

Can be mounted to rifles and carbines in addition to pistols.

Aimpoint optics are available for unit and agency orders within Canada from Rampart International.

One Response to “Rampart Range Day 21 – Aimpoint ACRO P2”

  1. Joe says:

    Honestly dont understand why this was not how this optic was made from the start. I had two of the P1 optics but went back to RMR because of the crap battery life on the aimpoint.