RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Rampart Range Day 21 – Black Box Customs

Black Box Customs displayed their Negative Cant Plate and Holster Accessory Mount, both of which have become extremely popular.

The Negative Cant Plate allows you to adjust the fore and aft cant of your Safariland holster.

Holster Accessory Mount adds real estate to the front of your booster for items such as a tourniquet.

Black Box Customs products are available for unit and agency orders within Canada from Rampart International.

3 Responses to “Rampart Range Day 21 – Black Box Customs”

  1. Wally F says:

    Black Box Customs does their own direct Agency orders within Canada and via The Activity Group and Centrifuge Training within the US, and via Khimaira Strategy Tactics in France and Europe. Black Box Customs has no direct affiliation with Rampart International in regards to our NCP, NCP-E, HAM, or NCP2 products.

  2. Jk says:

    I have these on multiple belts.. it’s a rock solid mount and A great spot for a TQ. I got mine via centrifuge training…