Wilcox BOSS Xe

“Niveh T’ah’in (Warrior)” a Film by Mystery Ranch & Mission Roll Call

MYSTERY RANCH has always had the utmost respect for the servicemen and women of our country. We build our gear to help them complete their mission with no compromise. Our commitment to helping these individuals does not stop when they finish their service but rather to help provide veterans connect with communities that advocate for positive change.

MYSTERY RANCH has partnered with Mission Roll Call, an organization dedicated to providing veterans with a powerful, unified voice that our Nation’s leaders heard, to create a short film called Niveh T’ah’in (Warrior) – centered around veteran of the U.S. Army, Sam Alexander, who served as a Green Beret and his transition into civilian life.

Sam’s story is about finding purpose in life after the military. Follow him through the centennial climb of Denali, his guided backcountry trips to bring people into his Gwich’in community, and his way of life in this short, powerful film.

Connect with Mission Roll Call to learn more about their movement.

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