AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Crye Precision JPC 2.0 Now Available in MultiCam Arid, Tropic & Black

JPC 2.0™ is now available in MultiCam Arid, Tropic & Black. This lightweight and minimal armor vest is designed for maximum mobility, weight savings, and packability. The carrier offers a variety of configuration options to suit an operator’s needs in terms of protection, modularity, and comfort. Additionally, the AVS™ Detachable Flaps – MOLLE, M4 Flat and M4 are also available in the new MultiCam variants.

7 Responses to “Crye Precision JPC 2.0 Now Available in MultiCam Arid, Tropic & Black”

  1. No1_Important says:

    Took them long enough. They invented the patterns and let other companies sell all kinds of gear in it. Maybe with the GWOT slowdown they finally are looking at the second biggest market outside of Tier 1 units buying Gucci gear…Airsofters dressing up as Tier 1 units.

  2. Joe says:

    bUt, bUt mUlTiCaM bLAcK iS uSeLeSs..

    • Heh yea some people miss Cyre was open about it being just for looking cool conceptually from the start. I’m just happy it took over Kryptek Typhon demand

  3. JK says:

    These patterns are just now available? I got a MC arid JPC 2.0 issued to me over a year ago…