SIG MMG 338 Program Series

DroneShield Receives Its Initial GSA Order

DroneShield is pleased to advise it has received its initial order via a GSA schedule from a U.S. Government law enforcement and public safety agency.

GSA Schedule (U.S. General Services Administration, or also referred to as Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) and Federal Supply Schedule) is a United States long-term government-wide contract with commercial firms providing federal, state, and local government buyers access to more than 11 million commercial supplies (products) and services.
DroneShield products are available for U.S. State, local, and tribal governments through GSA Multiple Award Schedule under Special Item Number (SIN) 334290, or alternatively via GSA’s Cooperative Purchasing Program.
The public safety project includes multiple DroneSentry-C2, DroneShield’s enterprise command-and-control system, DroneShield  RfOne long-range UAS direction finder sensors, and RadarZero small form-factor radar.
Matt McCrann, CEO of DroneShield LLC (DroneShield U.S. subsidiary), commented, “State, local and tribal governments have a growing need for drone detection solutions. Often the procurement process presents complexity for Government end users to field the capabilities needed across their organizations. Our availability on the GSA Schedule provides an easy-to-use contract vehicle for them to acquire this capability and field effective counterdrone solutions. With DroneShield solutions now on GSA, Government agencies have the confidence of receiving proven products at competitive pricing.”
Oleg Vornik, DroneShield CEO, added, “We welcome onboard our first customer through GSA, and anticipate for this to be one of numerous U.S. deployments. Purchasing via GSA is also a great indicator of increasing maturity and scale of the C-UAS market, whereby the acquisitions move from experimental budgets to streamlined large acquisition processes.”
Further information about DroneShield’s law enforcement C-UAS solutions can be found at

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