RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

FirstSpear Fri Focus: Meet X Ray Team

FirstSpear TV releases a new series introducing the real life characters behind the beards and gear.

(X Ray Team on set during filming.)
Go beyond the war stories to meet the men and women who served this great country. Learn how the guy next door took an extraordinary path of service. Discover the inspiration behind enlistment and how veterans are making a lasting impact after retirement. Hear how men and women made contributions during their deployments and time spent in their respective branches. These are their legacies.


FirstSpear TV’s mission:

– Produce and distribute the first SOF Inspired, multi-channel, video network
– Produce a variety of authentic content guided by active and retired members of the SOF community
– Entertain with stories derived from SOF experiences while promoting SOF relevant brands and products
– Provide support and recognition for the high level of professional efforts in the SOF community

To see more of the X Ray Team Series, check out FirstSpear TV and FirstSpear TV YouTube.

Contact Director FirstSpearTV: vinnie@first-spear.com

Check out FirstSpear to find gear and apparel for America’s Warfighter.

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