SureFire XC3

Viridian Sponsors Stage, Awards Shooters at Gunsite Alumni Shoot

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – October 10, 2022 – Viridian Weapon Technologies participated in the Gunsite Alumni Shoot (GAS) for the second year in a row—this time as a stage sponsor. The 2022 event featured more shooters, prizes and sponsors than ever before. Viridian’s presence also served as a one-year anniversary to the filming, production and creation of Full Blown Tactical—a first of its kind video that came to life on the historic grounds of Gunsite.  

“It was great to be a part of such a great event,” said Viridian President and CEO Brian Hedeen. “Viridian continues to expand our product line, partnerships and participation across the shooting sports. Having a stage sponsorship and filling the prize table at the 2022 Gunsite Alumni Shoot is just another way we’re showing shooters and industry partners the breadth and depth of our product line—and how relevant it is in competition and in everyday life. Selfishly, getting a chance to revisit the site of Full Blown Tactical was icing on the cake.”

Viridian’s stage sponsorship meant participants got to compete using optics such as the Serac, EON and Venta scopes—as well as Viridian’s heralded new Green Dot Optics and specifically the GDO 25 and GDO Mag.

To learn more about Viridian Weapon Technologies, visit

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