GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

KitBadger on Training The “Other StrongSide”

My friend Ivan sent this to me and I thought it was worth a share.

The Journey to the Other Strong Side…

About a year ago I decided to invest in training my Other Strong Side. So, being right handed and right eye dominant, I spent a lot of time working my left hand and left eye. Taking a number of pistol and carbine courses over the span of a year. From Urban Rifle down at Thunder Ranch, to a Night Fighter class with Chuck Pressburg, to a Limited Signature Course with Ian at Runenation and some training with Bill Rapier of AMTAC Shooting.

Read the rest here.

4 Responses to “KitBadger on Training The “Other StrongSide””

  1. No1_Important says:

    I’ve been following along with KitBadger’s videos on his “Other strong side” journey and it’s looked painful, so good on him for sticking with it but I always thing back to what I saw in this video from 1911 Syndicate where retired Delta Force operator Jason Beighley at the 9:02 mark discusses “Other strong side” shooting.


    • Richard Schagen says:

      Interesting, Kyle lamb who is a fan of swopping shoulders said Delta took it on after the black hawk down battle

      • Ray Forest says:

        There was another unit guy that I remember saying after Mogadishu “If I could have trained one thing before that battle it was support side rifle shooting”. Escapes me who it was but I’ve read his account of that deficiency in multiple interviews.

  2. Ray Forest says:

    I believe the guy I was referencing was mainly speaking in terms of holding hard corners on the non dominant side, not for doing CQB.