TYR Tactical

SORD Australia – Water Bottle Pouches

Introducing SORD’s new bottle pouches. Designed to fit a standard 500-750ml, square ADF 1L and rectangle US 1L bottle. The Utility Extra Large pouches will also fit the South African Army 2L rectangle bottles.


4 Responses to “SORD Australia – Water Bottle Pouches”

  1. Mike says:

    Looks nice, but those little bottles are pretty thin-walled. If I had one in the “skeleton” little carrier, I think I’d bump into something, tear the bottle, and leave my water running down my leg…

    • Jay says:

      Yeah, its kinda interesting/nonsensical to me to make a specific pouch for a single disposable item like that, I find plastic water bottles do much better in double m4 pouches purely because after my water is done I still have a useful pouch for any number of other things, not a skeletonized elastic and shock cord mess

      • SSD says:

        You throw away your canteens?

      • wade says:

        plastic bottles are good for UV-C light transmission and killing bacteria believe it or not, so if you are drinking from an unknown water source, better to put the water in clear plastic bottles rather than canteens or glass bottles, sunlight is the best disinfectant, granted you have enough contact time.