SureFire XC3

FibroTex to Launch Snow-Alpine Camouflage System at AUSA

Winter is coming?  Winter is already here, and so are we!
(AUSA 2023, Fibrotex’ booth #245).

Fibrotex’ new Snow-Alpine (“winter-winter net”) and Woodland-Alpine (“summer-winter net”) has overcome the long-lasting challenge by defeating both UV and SWIR sensors in the Snow environment at the same time and providing, alongside our other combinations, two (2) different battlefields in one (1) single layered system. These new systems join our family of camouflage environments to create a full and complete “global” spectrum suite of solutions (wood/wood, wood/urban, wood/desert and desert/urban).

While the global warming affects every aspect of our lives with uncontrolled, unexpected, and certainly unwelcome weather, we must understand that as challenging as this could be for civilians, it makes it even harder and certainly more dangerous for our warfighters out there. As extreme as this summer was (or still is in some parts of the world), we should anticipate the same or worse for this coming winter and prepare for it already today.

FibroTex capabilities, through the ULCANS program (the US Army & Marine Corps Program of Record) provide the full suite of solutions: Visual and Nir-IR through Shortwave-IR, Thermal (both middle and long wave) and RADAR imbedded in ONE, single layered, Reversible (double-sided), Multispectral system. The Program includes a variety of applications from the individual level and all the way up to combatant vehicles, CPs, and anything else that would need to be or stay undetected.

With the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and in other highly volatile regions in the world, signature management was deemed a vital part of today’s battlefield. With those lessons learned It is now a known fact that we need to make sure all our assets wherever vehicles, command posts or even individuals, Static and mobile, are given the ability to be concealed & protected against detecting sensors as such. Fibrotex’ ULCANS POR grants access to those readily available (all with NSN), tested & approved solutions.

As we move into winter warfighting and with a greater temperature difference between the human body/operating platforms and the surrounding temperature than in the summer wherever in Ukraine, Alaska or any other snow environment, this ability to conceal assets in Snow, Alpine and Arctic (SAA) environments is both harder due to the extreme temperature difference between the asset (individual or platform) and the surrounding environment and includes another sensor that the world has long forgotten about – Ultraviolet sensors (UV). Since providing all of the aforementioned sensors into one solution is already ‘not easy’ (apologies for our Engineering and R&DT teams for the use of this light term), adding the UV capability is not only very tricky but was also impossible to date. Not for nothing, the last Snow system was developed in 1972….  Needless to say, every sensor has improved since. Combining high UV reflectance, white colors in the Visual, high Reflectance in the Near-IR BUT low reflectance in the Shortwave-IR (SWIR) and still providing RADAR concealment (with the ability to keep communications on… as with our current systems already in service), the future of winter warfighting is now Finally here!

Come visit our stand at AUSA and see our new ‘winter collection’, our new Thermal Uniforms (yes…more to follow) and our full-spectrum Mobile solutions. Join us in our stand, Fibrotex stand #245 for happy hour on Tuesday, Oct 10th at 3pm.

4 Responses to “FibroTex to Launch Snow-Alpine Camouflage System at AUSA”

  1. MB says:

    “While the global warming affects every aspect of our lives with uncontrolled, unexpected, and certainly unwelcome weather, we must understand that as challenging as this could be for civilians, it makes it even harder and certainly more dangerous for our warfighters out there.”

    Just when I was taking this marketing article seriously…

  2. Ben says:

    Noticed that too lol