SureFire XC3

US Customs and Border Protection Selects Accuracy International for Modular Precision Weapon Platform

Accuracy International has announced that they were selected to provide the Modular Precision Weapon Platform to US Customs and Border Protection with the award of an IDIQ contract.

The firearm selected is based on their AT-X rifle and is a multi-caliber solution.

12 Responses to “US Customs and Border Protection Selects Accuracy International for Modular Precision Weapon Platform”

  1. Yawnz says:

    Lotta good that will do when they just let people walk across.

    • ejb3 says:

      “They” have laws to follow. Tell congress to get off their ass and change the immigration laws in this country. CBP/USBP do not like what is happening just as much as you do not like it.

  2. Paul says:

    Has a border patrol officer ever used a “precision weapon” in the line of duty?

    • ejb3 says:

      Fair question. I had to phone a friend and was told that one scenario could be use by Air and Marine for motor boat disablement in maritime ops?

      • Paul says:

        I’m not asking about a hypothetical fantasy where they might use them, I’m asking about an actual past case where the border patrol fired a “precision weapon” in a real-world scenario.

        • Joey says:

          Yes in the scenario mentioned above. We were doing drug interdiction using a 240B and spray a line infront of the boat. If they kept moving then we would see USBP and ICE and other people in those agencies. Would shoot the motors out of commission using a 107 or 109

    • marinc says:

      Maybe its for CBP/ICE SRT? They do a lot of event security like the super bowl. Probably also some for BORTAC. But probably not actually using them.

    • EST1959 says:

      What does it matter? Does this hurt your feelings? Sounds like you have some axe to grind.

  3. Dave Johnson says:

    Precision weapon with CBP/ICE really let’s waste some more taxpayers dollars.

    All these 3 letter agencies all want tacticool toys when it’s is not their job tour not in the US Military and do t need all the same kit.

    HRT/SRT in CBP/ICE? Focus on the border, ip trademark and interviewing US citizens fighting abroad. And when have they ever used a bolt action precision rifle in an event?

  4. frank says:

    if they used it to eliminate the cartel drug smugglers sneaking through the desert it wouldn’t be bad. However, I doubt killing dangerous drug dealers who’ve killed a few hundred thousand Americans, is in any way allowed in the current administration.