TYR Tactical

LBT Supporting Invisible Wounds Foundation

We’re stoked to be supporting the Invisible Wounds Foundation as they raise awareness for Veterans and First Responders mental health and the suicide epidemic that is affecting those communities.

INVI Mindhealth is challenging fellow Veterans, like Eddie Gallagher and Jonathan Wilson, to their version of the Monster Mash. The Monster Mash consist of a 1 mile free fall “insert”, 10 mile swim, and a 200 mile run over the course of 4 days and nights.

You can find out more info about the even, and INVI Mindhealth, here: news.invimh.com and here: www.invimh.com

LBT is proud to support this endeavor and have made a few products that directly support INVI Mindhealth.

LBT ? Invisible Wounds Patch


LBT ? Invisible Wounds T-Shirt

Along with those you can buy the kit Eddie Gallagher will be using for the Monster Mash. As always active duty, retirees, and veterans get a 20% discount on regularly priced items.


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